Show Me Yours
Show Me Yours
| 26 May 2004 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    Truly Dreadful Film

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    Sorry, this movie sucks

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    The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful

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    I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.

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    Let me tell you something about myself: I am a very picky person when it comes to shows. I like things to be funny, but intelligent. That is why I love Show Me Yours. Not only does it make me laugh hysterically, but I am in shock with how closely it hits home with relationships and situations (whether it be fantasy or reality-related).As for her relationship with David and Ben, I think many women can relate to Kate as being someone who they already are or who they wish to be. As for the 4 year relationship conversation in Season Two (I can't be more specific or else I'll spoil it for someone), I also can relate to Kate.Please, if I'm lucky enough to have a producer or someone who makes the decision to create a 3rd episode, women and men (yes!) NEED a show this truthful and witty and intelligent on TV. My, um, very close ex-boyfriend watches the show with me. So yes, this show interests males, too! If there is any type of petition to sign or headquarters to go to in order to keep this show on air, let me know and I will sign it/go there/do anything.

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    I've seen approximately 5 or more shows and truly enjoyed it. I'm sorry it's on so late on Sunday, because I have to get up early Monday morning for work, otherwise I would watch it regularly. I thought the main characters had endearing qualities and good chemistry between them. I like the fact that they are inter-racial. This is real life and should be shown more often as people recognizing and loving each other for who they are and not what they are. I like the cynical banter between the two, knowing that they are strongly attracted to each other yet always trying to deny their feelings, which so many of us do on a regular basis.If I could change anything it would definitely be the time slot. Otherwise, if available, I would by the season's DVD.

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    I really want to see more of this one, and I hope the folks at Oxygen recognize what they've got. No question this is a show for mature audiences only, but it managed to be sexy and fun without being blatantly prurient. Great chemistry between the lead pair, but I'd say pick Marshall over Ben or David any day! (Especially over David - I mean, was anyone ever rooting for that guy?) This show was so underrated and ended when it was really really just getting started. They need to hurry up and get this show back on the air before the Vancouver film industry snatches up all the key players.

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    It all started with the Shoe episode. It was the less dramatic version of Sex and the City. Some of you might think that this show was boring or a waste of time but l laughed my a$$ off at times. It was something fun to watch in the winter or when l got home from work. I loved the interplay between characters and the content covered. I was bummed when it was pulled because it was just starting to get all sexed up and that is what l missed about TV. There are far too many reality shows and Show Me Yours was filling a void left in the Sex and The City wake. It's too bad that this show followed the same ill fate of My So Called Life. To all the actors that worked on this show - you did an amazing job and as a viewer l was pleased. Thats all.

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