Push Girls
Push Girls
| 04 June 2012 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    not as good as all the hype

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    Bad Acting and worse Bad Screenplay

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    an ambitious but ultimately ineffective debut endeavor.

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    Keeley Coleman

    The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;

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    This series is probably the only Reality-TV truly worth watching. It brings respect to the whole Genre. Many people do not come into contact with disabled people from up close, and this show gives the opportunity to see a little of the day to day life of four women and another young girl, each of them has to deal with her own agenda. Any screenplay they will try to write will not be comparable to these real life stories. Every episode lives me in awe. I cried my eyes out in the episode when Tiphany went back to her high school reunion. To hear the dad's story and the friend firefighter story make it clear how deep those real people go. It's much better than any imaginative story.

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