Pinky and the Brain
Pinky and the Brain
TV-Y7 | 09 September 1995 (USA)

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  • Reviews

    Instant Favorite.

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    Brilliant and touching

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    At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.

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    Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.

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    We didn't spend a lot of time watching TV with our only child, but this was a good cartoon that he and I both enjoyed. As he heads off to university this year, we still share an appropriate "Narf!", "Poit" and "Zort!" whenever a boneheaded politician makes some statement that clearly comes from trying to grab more power.We both have watched reruns and he appreciates it in a completely new way. It's really funny that we can share these memories after all of these years.Pinky and the Brain is definitely one of the all time TV greats!I'd like to see it returned to TV, there is so much real life examples of the Brain in politics, and they all have the intelligence of Pinky....

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    When I discovered that Pinky and the Brain had spun off from Animaniacs and received their own show (the first step towards world domination, no doubt), I was thrilled. The show quickly became a favorite of mine. Now that I have it on DVD many years later, I realize just what a spectacular piece of work it really is.Children can watch this show, sure. They'll think Pinky's ridiculous remarks, physical humor, and nonsensical catch phrases like "poit!" and "narf" are hilarious. Sometimes they are. Yet I am amazed that so much of the humor is for adults. There are multiple references in every episode to pop culture (I just watched an episode with a sly Pulp Fiction allusion), politics (the same episode included caricatures of Bill and Hilary Clinton), and general observations about the world that will definitely go over kids' heads. It just makes the show all that much funnier to me now. It's definitely an experience with multiple layers. Not to mention the people writing Brain's dialog have done some research. His vocabulary is years beyond what grade school children comprehend, let alone use. Sure, there's lots of fuzzy science just for the sake of making him sound smart, but many times there are legitimate uses of math, physics, chemistry, astronomy, anatomy, etc. Heck, there's even a song that tells you the parts of the human brain. The show's downright educational.Don't let that scare you, though. It's also consistently zany. There's plenty of the comic falling and maiming that comes standard in most cartoons. Of course a good portion of the humor comes from the concept of Pinky's stupidity as a foil for Brain's genius, and Pinky's unwittingly stumbling on the best ideas. Yet, for me, the comedy in this show comes mostly from Brain. I love the way he vents his frustration with his dense but loyal accomplice, and the way he flatly tells people his mission knowing they will never believe him. "Actually I am lab mouse involved in an elaborate scheme to take over the world" is usually greeted with laughter from the unsuspecting buffoons that populate his universe.Well animated and superbly voiced, Pinky and The Brain entertains with the fearless abandon of the classic toons and the sharp wit of a modern satire. I highly recommend this for kids, but even more so for older teens and young adults.

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    Jane Murdoch (janey_smile)

    A spin off from the wonderful 'Animaniacs', 'Pinky and the Brain' was one of the funniest and best cartoons of the 90s.The show followed the exploits of two laboratory mice on a mission to take over the world. The Brain was a super-intelligent megalomaniac, and was assisted by Pinky, an idiot. Each night, The Brain would come up with a highly elaborate plan to overthrow the worlds leaders and assume control, but was always foiled at the last minute and sent back to the drawing board.Even though the plot was the same every episode, 'Pinky and the Brain' managed to be consistently fresh and funny. The great writing was backed up by superb voice performances, particularly by Rob Paulson (Pinky) and Maurice LaMarche (Brain). The humour works on enough levels to appeal to kids and grown-ups alike, and if you've never seen an episode of this, I suggest you seek it out!

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    Possible spoilersThis show, which was a spinoff of the awful "Animaniacs," was funny at times, but still, it was quite a bit repetitive. The plots were usually the same: Brain comes up with plan, plan starts working, Brain about to take over world, Pinky comes in, screws Brain's plan up, Brain fails. I liked it much better when the plots were somewhat different(like in this one 3-parter late in the series where this one dance that parodies the Macarena(is that how you spell it?) is used to brainwash people). I liked it better when Brain had to deal with his rival, Snowball. Still, it was nice that the only interesting characters of Animaniacs finally got their own series, as all the other characters were dull(Rita and Runt), boring(Goodfeathers), obnoxious(Warners), or such a pain that it was impossible to hate them(Buttons, Mindy, Katie Kaboom). Of course, those little Warner brats, being the egotistical little jerks they are, would constantly be appearing in this show via cameos. Man, I hated them. Brain should have destroyed them years ago. But even though this was was a nice series, Freakazoid was a much better show.BOTTOM LINE: If you can see the series on its own, watch it, but don't waste time seeing the shorts on Animaniacs(since they're stupid anyway).

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