Only Fools and Horses
Only Fools and Horses
| 08 September 1981 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    How sad is this?

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    Dreadfully Boring

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    Kaelan Mccaffrey

    Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.

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    Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.

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    This is often considered to be Britain's greatest ever sitcom, although Fawlty Towers often is as well. If i'm honest i'd say there was a time when i was a big OFAH fan but these days i'd rather watch the superior One Foot In The Grave over this. That's not to say that i don't think think this is good, i think it can be very very good in parts. But i think its overrated and really its very hit and miss. Series 1 was really not very good, there were a number of boring episodes in that. From Series 2 it got better, but there were always one or two bad episodes in every series, the quality is not consistent.The only Series i can think of where i liked every single episode is Series 6 (and even than the Sickness and Wealth episode didn't need to be as long as it was really) I was surprised that the writer John Sullivan was able to knock out such a superior series as late in the run as that, its fairly unusual for a later series to be so much better than the earlier ones. Unfortunately he couldn't sustain the quality of the longer 50 min episodes over two series, as series 7 returned to the hit and miss that is present in every other series other than Series 6. There were only two episodes i thought sustained the 50 minute length well in Series 7 (the cwying episode and the birth of Damian), the other four were far too long and full of filler (especially The Chance Of A Lunchtime)I kind of like how the series evolves, with them eventually settling down with wives and having kids. This is something a lot of fans do not seem to like at all and they prefer the earlier years with Grandad.But for me i can appreciate the Grandad years and the later years, both are very different but there is no reason not to like both and enjoy both. I think it was good that they grew up and settled down a bit as they got older, i do think perhaps the problem was that the two women playing Cassandra and Raquel were not particularly funny or warm. If they had been funnier then i think people would have warmed to them more.After Series 7 there are a number of Christmas specials that (in my opinion) are really poor and not funny at all. Fatal Extraction is a dull episode particularly and even the 1996 ''final'' episodes could have been done in two parts rather than three. The ''Modern Men;; episode is more like a filler episode, with some editing they could have got that down to two parts/two hours. The last three episodes aired between 2001-2003 shouldn't have been made, although the ''Gary!'' stuff is fairly amusing.Supporting cast are fine but mostly underused and underdeveloped. Trigger is quite amusing but in all honesty the whole ''Dave'' thing is only funny the first few times you see it, after that it wears a bit thin. David Jason of course plays his character very well and so does Nick Lyndhurst.Overall a pleasant series to watch, but overrated and inconsistent quality throughout its run. Best series is Series 6 by far, worst Series 1. There are other sitcoms i think are superior and which i would choose to watch over this (and if i did want to watch it i know that Gold will be playing an episode anytime i fancy it)

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    This show deserves to be remembered as the best comedy of all time. With its hilarious characters, such as Del Boy, Rodders, Albert, Grandad and Trigger, the sheer hilarity of the situations they get themselves in, and the fact everything always seems to go wrong, it is without doubt a cult classic. Some of the funniest TV moments of all time came from this show - Del falling through the bar, the chandelier incident, the Jolly Boys Outing - all are remembered fondly, and you'll laugh every time you see an episode, not just the first time. The fact every viewer was so happy when they finally got their million in the end showed how well the actors, writers and all the crew have done to make all viewers feel such strong emotions for the characters, and this show should never be forgotten. The best British sitcom of all time? Definitely.

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    I remember watching about half of the first episode and absolutely hating it. I cannot remember how I got into it later but thank goodness I did. John Sullivan who conceived and wrote this, is nothing less than a genius sitcom writer. The characters are real, fully formed entities whom we care for and feel we know deeply. The sign of great writing is to be able to laugh and cry with and for them and there are lots of occasions when we do both. The episode including Rodney's wedding is a terrific example of this dual ability. David Jason had trundled along making a name for himself in British TV - never a star until he did OFAH and found his Delboy character. Likewise Nicholas Lyndhurst whose Rodney is a marvellous invention. They compliment each other perfectly. All the subsidiary characters add to the comedy and fit the situation beautifully. No-one is wasted and they all make the most of their characters. It bears repeated viewings and gets funnier the more I see it.

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    This is a remarkable body of work and I am so glad that I took the chance and bought it! It started in 1981 and ended in 2003, but unlike American series it didn't drown the watcher and the last three episodes were a year apart! There was even one 3 year gap between 1993 and 1996 and one 5 year gap between 1996 and 2001 before they took up the series again. Never have I seen such continuity in story lines. It is amazing to me that the same actors kept coming back year after year to create this wonderful body of work. It deserved every award and accolade it ever got and those were many.The first few seasons were half hour comedies and are hilarious, but you soon get to know these characters and become emotionally invested in their stories especially when they expand to full hour shows. By season 4 I was not just laughing, but crying. "Only Fools and Horses" succeeded in being both hilarious and extremely endearing. We are so lucky that we get to watch their stories unfold completely without having to wait 22 years. Best of all it answers the big questions and ties it all together by the final episodes. I can't imagine how invested people must have been who waited 22 years to get their answers. I know not everyone will like this series. My husband didn't like "To Hull and Back" and I do admit I didn't care much for "Miami Twice", but even these offerings are worth watching for the comedy and irony. A great show well worth your money and your time. This is indeed the best Brit-com ever made!!!

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