Mystery Science Theater 3000
Mystery Science Theater 3000
TV-14 | 25 November 1989 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    Excellent, a Must See

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    Blending excellent reporting and strong storytelling, this is a disturbing film truly stranger than fiction

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    Neive Bellamy

    Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.

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    Janae Milner

    Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.

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    This is currently rated 8.7 up there with the greatest TV series of all time. Really? Really? I get the premise. Some of the movies are so boring the only way to watch them is by making fun of them. However there are also older Saturday matinée movies aimed at kids in the day. They weren't really meant to be taken seriously. They were just time passers for 10 year old kids. To flog these movies just hits a bad note with me. But the biggest problem I have with this is that I don't find their comments funny.I don't like to ridicule the past. Modern audiences might allow themselves to think they are enlightened but to me if feels too much like making fun of the weakest kid in the class at recess. And that 8.7 out of 10 rating, that is ridiculous. The bar is just so low these days...

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    Hi, there. I'm a Brit - and it's a bit lonely being a fan of this wonderful show over here. I wouldn't say MST3K is unknown in the UK - it did air on the sci-fi channel (as it was called here) in the late 90's - but it is certainly little known, and that's a shame. I do what I can to spread the word. I caught a few episodes back when it was first screened and was intrigued by the premise, while also finding it very funny.Having read some of the negative reviews on here, which call fans and the comedians who did the show "Morons" "Drug Addicts" etc, it seems to me to be an excuse for the usual bunch of haters to round on something they despise or don't get. When you use terms like that, you've lost the argument. You either get this show or you don't - fair enough if it isn't funny to you; but to bandy insults around like "Moron" to those who enjoy it is a case of Freudian Projection writ large, I'm afraid.I will answer one criticism: sure they occasionally chose inappropriate movies to riff on. Phase IV, etc, which are really good films - yeah I get that. But if you can't laugh at yourself and the things you love now and again, then you need to lighten up. "Why so serious?" It's clear the writers and performers on this show have a deep affection for cinema. And Mike Nelson's follow up Riff Trax makes fun of modern big budget movies in exactly the same way. So there.I really love this show. I love the laid-back Joel Hodgson years, those wiseacre robots Crow and Servo, Dr. Forrester and T.V.'s Frank and I love the Mike Nelson years, too (although I still have a fair number to see of the latter.) The style changes; the voices change, but the show stays extremely funny. Best episodes for me so far.Manos The Hands of Fate - proof that there are movies out there worse than Plan 9. I want a Torgo T-shirt!Monster A-Go-Go. Ditto. These two deserve special mentions for being the two worst movies I've ever seen with utterly hilarious riffs.Pod People. Mitchell. Space Mutiny. Daddy-O, which has possibly my fave song "Hitch your Pants Up".Haven't seen Puma Man yet. Can't wait!I really wish I could buy these on region 2 DVD, to reward the guys behind this show with some of my hard earned cash - sadly, I'm having to watch You Tube. I'm delighted the show is coming back, and lets hope it keeps up the standard. Keep circulating the laughter...

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    Love the show, always have since I first discovered it when I was a kid, but the problem I found was with the earlier episodes a lot of the jokes would just fly over my head when reference to what were current events in 1988 and so on, however I was born in 1987 so I wouldn't know.The comedians online get much of their inspiration from this series and it shows when you watch it and the presenters were so successful in making people laugh that they continue to do so today with their own company Rifftrax: Noah Antwiler from the Spoony Experiment mentioned he wanted to start up something like MST3K, but he never got around to it and went with his own style which is for the better otherwise there would be so many people doing the same thing.all in all I thing it's a very funny series, however seems very difficult to get on DVD and I can't find any collection that has all the episodes, but I don't know why that is. I will mention, however that I find you have to be in a certain mood to watch it as unlike Nostalgia Critic of The Spoony One these episodes last the length of the movie and over so you have to be in the mood to watch a riff going on for that long, but well worth it on some of the terrible movies they do. Especially the one they chose for the movie.

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    I just can't understood why there is so much hype about a terrible, boring, lousy, uninspiring and immature piece of trash like this. It is easily the worst show ever made in the story of television, it is even worse than "Family Guy". Basiccally this show put some morons saying bad things about some obscure B-movies from different ages, and all what they do in all the episodes is keep complaining about how bad those movies were(Wow, I couldn't never figure that for myself!) No, I am not lying: I guess that this pathetic excuse for a show was the inspiration for the internet trolling and a lot of unfunny Internet "comediants"... In other words, this show was responsible for the death of real comedy in the new century. Thanks to "Mystery Science Teather 3000" we had things as the unfunny jokes of Maddox and the Nostalgia Critic, and awful internet sites as Encyclopedia Dramatica. This show is worthless: It should have been canceled after the first episode. It is the worst show ever made.-1000000/10

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