Monday Mornings
Monday Mornings
| 04 February 2013 (USA)

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    Good start, but then it gets ruined

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    Jonah Abbott

    There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.

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    Maleeha Vincent

    It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.

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    Raymond Sierra

    The film may be flawed, but its message is not.

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    I found the series enjoyable and educational. The characters are unfolding and the story-line is developing gradually much the same way as in a novel. As Sanjay Gupta pointed out, the cases are real and the complications/discussions are real.Just yesterday, a doctor friend of mine called me after watching the episode 4 and told me she had similar experience. One of her patients, a 14-year-old girl, needed blood transfusion and her parents refused the treatment on religious grounds.That is what appeals to me most - the real life stories doled out in a neatly packaged drama by the producers and actors. These episodes help us learn about the ramifications/outcomes surrounding each procedure. Of course, we can read about them on the Internet. But to me, drama appeals more. Added to the real life issues, characters are portrayed highlighting their strengths as well as weaknesses. In the pilot,Sydney is shown as passionate and formidable, Tina as compassionate and caring, Ty as super excellent in his job and arrogant. In the next few episodes we see other sides of these characters. Sydney, feisty and formidable and takes no prisoners yet falls short in personal relationships. Villanueva takes it upon himself and conveys her words to John. That is funny and also illustrates how much Sydney is loved by senior doctors. In the book, Dr. Hooten perceives her as his logical choice to succeed him as chief of staff. That Hooten is kindly disposed towards Sydney shows in his mild chiding of her for identifying herself as a doctor from Chelsea General. Tina is called "umbrella" by Michelle for protecting her yet her husband Mark uses the same imagery with a different connotation. That is creativity on the part of the writers, I'll say. Ty drags Tina away from work avowing he would jump out the window if she says so. "To say that, you brought me to a room without windows?" she asks. Funny but also speaks of their personalities. Parks has poor language skills yet comes out strong as he confronts his accuser in a later episode. His patient who came to him desperate for a cure for hand tremors, returns to accuse him of negligence. The recurrence of patients from previous episodes contributes for continuity again as in a novel. Parks carries himself superbly in that scene and earns viewers' respect. What happens next is yet to be seen.The writers, directors and actors have done excellent job of bringing the message home. Congratulations.This drama-cum-novel is not complete with one season. The numbers of viewers is growing (17% up this week) and story-line is developing beautifully. This show must and will go on.

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    If you want to watch a show that strikes all the wrong notes, this is it. In doing so, it comes across as an attempt at a Coen brothers type of thing gone horribly wrong. And it's hilarious (making it difficult to figure out what kind of rating to give it) ! If you've watched a lot of American television, the cast will strike you as a bunch of cast offs from other TV shows. Remember the old saying, "those who can't, teach?" Well this show modifies that to be "those who didn't make it on mediocre TV shows end up on 'Monday Mornings.'" On a serious note, I wish doctors were like this, at least to some degree. I watch a lot of hospital reality TV and it doesn't look anything like this. The grilling sessions that are the backbone and unique element to the show remind me of some sort of Soviet show trial, and are simply not believable. The medical "action" is either boring or has been done before, and in a superior way. The only reason I watch this (not always able to pay attention, to be honest) is to see if it will get more ridiculous, but I actually don't mind and hope that it does go in that direction.Please, see this for yourself and ask yourself if you can enjoy it as some sort of absurdist comedy, as I do. In particular, there is an ethnic stereotype that is hilarious in the form of an Asian-Americdan doctor who speaks like comedians making fun of such people decades ago, before it became "politically incorrect." This character is involved in dialogue such as:Investigator: "Why did the patient die, doctor?" Asian-American doctor: "Dude die, now dead." I: "Yes, I know that but why?" AAD: "Did dings no good, dude dead." I: "What exactly do you think he did that led to his death?" AAD: "Dude dog walk little did die." I: "Are you saying he should have taken his dog for walks to get some exercise?" AAD: "Dude do dead did dog doo doo done..."Seriously?

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    This program has become my new Sopranos... that's the one I eagerly looked forward to the new episode all week long! I did some Google searching on the series only to find out that it has begun with sort of a "ho-hum" from viewers and critics.I think the chemistry between the characters is in line with the likes of Seinfeld or, again, the Sopranos... and it hasn't really even had the chance to mature yet. The casting is great and the varied personalities and 'ethics' of the characters captivating. The M&M sessions (Morbidity and Mortality) are well done and I find myself thinking what I would do in the situation.When I listen to what most Americans are talking about on TV (Idol, Housewives, etc) I realize this isn't going to appeal to the masses. I hope it can survive!!

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    I go along with pennymaui: Patients need this kind of wake-up lesson about not necessarily trusting the first doctor or opinion. I've already learned a lot of things I didn't know just watching the show, especially tonight. (I DVR shows) I hope this show has a lot more then 10 episodes. I really think people can learn a lot just from the Monday morning parts of the show. I love what they do there. Especially about the feelings of the patients and their families. Please, please keep this show going, it's great. I'm so sick of all the stupid comedy and reality shows that are on now. They have canceled sooo many good shows after just one season.

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