Masters of Horror
Masters of Horror
TV-MA | 28 October 2005 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    Tells a fascinating and unsettling true story, and does so well, without pretending to have all the answers.

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    Allison Davies

    The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.

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    Amazing worth wacthing. So good. Biased but well made with many good points.

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    The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.

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    When it came to scary content, "Masters" of Horror was on the level of Goosebumps. Most of the time, it was just an excuse to show naked bodies, graphic sex, gore and depravity. The show also featured a lot of liberal propaganda for some strange reason. Maybe that's supposed to be the scary part?That they dared to call it Masters of Horror is an insult to the real Masters of Horror. Dario Argento? Stuart Gordon? Don't make me laugh. They haven't produced anything of worth, just exploitative and meaningless garbage.I have a feeling that some fans who say that they were scared by the crap made by people like Dario Argento or any of the directors on the list watched those movies when they were small children. "Oh, look at all of the blood! Oooh, scary faces!". They desperately want to experience that adults, they lie and tell themselves that "Jennifer" was a great episode, that "Phenomena" is a masterpiece and so on. The only difference is that now, as adults, they use bigger words when they describe their favorite horror movies. When I was a kid, I used to watch Goosebumps...the scariest show on earth. Some episodes almost traumatized me. Watching it today, I feel nothing. I can see why kids would be scared by it, though. Argento or Stuart Gordon's movies aren't any different. They only seem more adult because of bad language, naked people and gore. Take away all of that, and you have some very bad Goosebumps episodes. They should have called it Masturbators of Horror or Masters of Horniness instead. That would be more honest, because it's made by old, horny men.(Zero stars)

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    I find that "Masters of horror" is a good continuation of the style of independent short horror stories that was the trademark of "Tales of the crypt" (among others). They share many similarities, one of which is the very irregular overall quality, with some remarkable episodes that are scary fun to watch many times, and others that are simply embarrassing to watch as episodes of a show that is supposed to bring you the best of horror by many film-makers who earned a reputation in this genre; but still, most have some redeeming quality, be it the irresistible campiness, a good story (though badly developed), or decent acting. There were few episodes which I personally found boring (having said this, I would advise anyone to stay away from "Chocolate").Some episodes feel a little too long, while others ("Deer woman", remarkably) would have benefited from a good quarter of an hour more of running time. Most have at least some gore, many have varying degrees of dark humor, and there's a good amount of sexy contents, too. What stands out most and links this show to the aforementioned "Tales from the crypt" is that most episodes have this underlying feeling of poetic justice and that the "bad guys" get what they deserve, which is quite refreshing.

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    Horror fans (I'm speaking to the over 12's, although if you're under 12 I apologise for what you might deem an insult): In short, if you appreciate having your imagination disturbed by well written, original storytelling, punctuated by unpredictable well planted scares, and delivered via convincing performances, then I can heartily recommend - AVOIDING THESE STEAMERS - made by directors who have apparently long since past their sell by date. It's no accident that almost every episode feels as if it were made in the 1980's. Not to put blame squarely on the shoulders of some of these old boys (or indeed the 80's) because where would we be without certain movies from the likes of Argento, Carpenter, Landis, Dante and Barker (Actually Clive, WTF are you doing in there?! Glad to see Romero had the good sense to give it a miss as I'm sure he was asked to partake...). More perhaps we should point the finger at creator Mick Garris whose credentials include the logic defying and depressingly ill-advised TV remake of Stanley Kubrick's masterpiece 'The Shining'.Perhaps it is an indication of the state of television today. Are we so starved of good TV horror that we applaud any old sloppy schlock that the networks excrete onto our sets? Sadly, maybe so.Normally I wouldn't see the point of adding a comment that doesn't argue the faults and merits of a production, I'd just rate it accordingly. However, as this series is woefully lacking in any merit (with perhaps the sole exception of the theme tune) I write this as more of a warning than a review: DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME AND MONEY. If you disagree with me then it's more than likely that you haven't seen enough decent horror. Perhaps the earlier films of some of these directors would be a much better place to start, but if these 'Masters' of Horror were being assessed on these works alone, they'd never have been allowed to graduate with even their Bachelor's degree. Unless of course they were studying for a degree from the University Of S**t.

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    With the exception of FAMILY, this new season is worse than Season One. I can't imagine what they are thinking. As a fan of horror, can tolerate a lot of gore and mindless mayhem, but this series gets worse with each outing. I can't imagine how disheartening it must be for the actors and crew to go to work each day, toiling to churn out such crap. STORY! Is that too much to ask for? CHARACTER! How can we give damn about the fate of ANYONE in these stories? If we are not engaged, who cares if they get carved up or whatever? Almost every episode ends with mindless blood letting, going for gross out shock without any sense of revelation or conclusion or REASON why we have been subjected to an hour of bloodletting. Even Dante's effort this season had some disturbing sexist violence and wandered off to a pointless conclusion. Ironically, the production values and performances tend to be up to speed, while the content is utter crap. I have great hopes for Exec Producer's Garris's VALARIE UNDER THE STAIRS, but we shall see.

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