Lua Vermelha
Lua Vermelha
NR | 31 January 2010 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.

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    Nayan Gough

    A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.

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    The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.

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    This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.

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    Rodolfo Raposeiro

    Lua Vermelha is a good show with poor ratings. Television is an unfair business. I really think that with other time table SIC television would enlarge the viewers spectrum. It will be difficult but not impossible. This is a young people show, if it go on air after the conventional soap operas ratings will collapse, because older people don't like this. SIC main channel is making lots of mistakes and losing a thousand viewers per day. Ironic... They are "vampiring" themselves with childish errors. To much commercials during the premium timetable and many other wrong decisions from the direction board. It was an excellent channel. Was... Usually Vampires stories are "money in the pocket" but not this "time" ... Abraço Matias.

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    OK ,this television show is like a bad ripoff of all the vampire series made in the U.S,the script making is terrible ,the acting is even worse and the recording is classic "soap opera" camera shots.You can even notice in the first episode that some scenes are almost exactly alike as the scenes in the beginning of twilight ,especially the scene of Bella spotting Edward during the lunchtime(as much as I hate the Twilight movies as a person with great interest in movies I have to do my research to do my reviews) Isabela(the main girl) is obviously inspired in Bella from the Twilight movies,the poorly acted character is a "weird" girl that comes to a new school Afonso(the obvious Edward) is kid with the other school outcasts ,who happen to be vampires(surprised?) ,they spend a lot of time also drinking a red drink which seems to be a lot like blood (like the drinks in the series True Blood) The story of "Lua Vermelha" then unfolds a lot of drugs,family problems and etc etc, the classic script making for soap operas.The thing is ,as the Portuguese T.V stations already make enough money on the crap they make(especially for teenagers) ,they don't dare and go make something that requires,better script making ,better camera work and better actors(god knows they sometime need better actors).And that is why this T.V show gets 2 out of 10 in my opinion

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    First of all, I have to say that I don't watch Portuguese TV anymore. Almost the whole day there's a bad soap opera airing... But being a teacher I think it's important to keep up with what the teenagers like, so I started watching this series almost from the first day, and surprisingly I got hooked! It's a mix of Twilight, True Blood and Vampire Diaries all in one. The acting is not excellent but it's improving, for the most part(I don't know what they were thinking with Merche Romero...), there are never before seen in Portuguese TV special effects, and most of all, it's a love story, with adventure and drama in between! The only part that I don't like at all is the bullying... they make it look like it's fun doing that, with lots of cheerful music and laughs all around... not a good message to kids! Apart from that, pretty good series!

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    I saw the premier of "Lua Vermelha" last night and i was with some surprised grabbed by that whole "Twilight" stuff.First we have to realize that i live in a Country where good television is at best sparse.I live in a country where everything with a hot girl, lots of swearing and continuous lack of writing quality is considered and turns itself almost immediately in a blockbuster!That being said when i see a TV show that as good writing, some good performances, very nice score , and tries to be as bold as it possible can, i cheer with JOY. "Lua Vermelha" manages to go around the usual Portuguese budget issues; the usual Portuguese good looking=good actors issues; and it delivers at least a little bit more than we expected. Of course it has plenty of flaws, some actors seem completely displaced,some shots looked like the cameraman had an itch on that special place and completely forgot what is doing, the story ( probably the worst part) it's like a "copy paste" from twilight!And has those kind of details that makes you thin and eventually realize...that's just no possible. Anyway,seems like the flaws list is big, it is but i think the "pros" overlap the "cos" by a big margin. 1st - Itis shot with a movie filter and it's in HD, providing very good screening quality, really, sometimes they look quite astonishing!. 2nd - Has many good actors, even in the secondary roles we find LOTS of quality, and that is really one of the strong points of this show!Even in short scenes we can see very good talent 3rd-The score is Pretty damn good.And ,at least as far as i know it's completely in Portuguese, and that's one of those bold things we wish for 4th-It manages to create an fine ambiance about Vampires, about the same ambiance that we found in True Blood an Coppola's Dracula(OK , i might be overratting but that's my true feeling about it!5th-at least it held me, and i'm not an easy fellow... i really hope that it manages to last and conquer some audience!I could stay here and talk and talk and talk about all its flaws, and low budget stunts and things like that, but remember we are in Portugal,we can't expect too much from Prime time shows...and this one makes me.......laugh| After writing this one i Realize that "Lua Vermelha" it's not by World standards an Awesome Show, but by Portuguese Standards it's a damn good one and i hope our kids,and teens will watch it and realize that there is something more than that disgusting, horripilant and if possible worst than last year's season "Morangos com Açucar"My rating 9 out 10/ ( COMPARING TO OTHER Portuguese TEEN TARGETED SHOWS)

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