Days of Our Lives
Days of Our Lives
TV-14 | 08 November 1965 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    Wonderful Movie

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    It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional

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    Allison Davies

    The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.

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    This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.

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    I really would give this show a 1, but it used to be OK, maybe 5-6 at best, but it was OK. The actors can for the most part act, in the way that is expected from soaps, which is slightly exaggerated, and some of the prior actors have moved on to make prime time shows.But the writing is what is bringing this show down to a dreadfully, mediocre show at best.**SPOILERS** We have a female character drugging a priest to make a sex video, and then we have another female character drugging another male character to take compromising photos. Every character who comes into the show has a horribly shady past, going so far as murder perhaps in some of the latest story lines. People get murdered regularly, they get people kidnapped and attacked, they drug people, stalk them, they break up and have incessantly ENDLESS conversations that go for episodes and episodes (broken up by other silliness in the episodes).Is it any wonder so many people are getting out of this show recently? EJ's character murdered (oh, yet another murder!), Sami (let's face it, this actress can definitely do better!).I don't know what the ratings are on this show but I am done with it because the latest story lines **SPOILERS** college boy in bed with his girlfriends mother who is the one who had him drugged to take compromising pictures to break him and her daughter up AND ALSO Theresa being pregnant and Kristin paying for her to disappear AND the whole reappearing Chad thing.I can't watch this anymore, it's turned into a parody of a soap and I keep expecting Dustin Hoffman to rip off his wig and declare who he really is.NBC, I'd really really rather watch Access Hollywood in this time slot again!

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    I have been watching Days of Our Lives for 11 years and am still a HUGE fan. I have found there to be at least one good storyline at all times on the show even if there are a couple other ones that are slightly on the boring side. For the most part, the acting is well done and isn't as cheesy as some of the other soap operas I occasionally watch (minus Deidre Hall who is REALLY breathy and over-the-top with her acting at times). Some of the story lines are truly memorable and stick with you for years (for example, Sami on trial for Franco's murder). I will admit that when I first started watching it, there seemed to be more romance with the main couples (Bo and Hope, John and Marlena) and that some of the story lines in recent years have really affected these relationships. Nevertheless, this soap opera still offers romance and a variety of story lines that cater to the genre interests of television fans. It delivers high-quality entertainment for soap opera fans and luckily has many of the original actors that people have come to know and love (Alison Sweeney you are still my personal favorite). If you are looking for a new soap opera to fill your daytime television schedule, Days of Our Lives is a great choice to consider.

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    It may soon be over but I have some good memories of Days during the years. Belle helping her friend Chloe from her shell was one of the quality moments of DOOL. The silly charm of studio exteriors, arteficial dialogue, Marlena's possession and wonderful Salem Stalker were and are a quality camp. I enjoyed Celeste's premonitions and I liked genetically manipulated Gemini twins - I especially loved psychotic Rex! I can't understand the lure and redemption of Ej - Why to make him a hero? Because he is not fat or balding or geeky-looking? Because he is filth? - but there has been lot of good stuff after overrated 1980s.

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    I was drawn into Days in Dec. '06 when Chelsea was treating Nick horribly - just before he turned into 'The Lonely Splicer'. For a few days, I turned it on just waiting for that storyline.Then I met Bo - which shocked me as he looks so much like my husband. Eventually, I recognized Steve from an episode of The Nanny (as I'd never watched ANY soaps before this...) Then I followed religiously the Shawn and Belle escape from Phillip (who I couldn't stand at the time) and Sami and Lucas's wedding triangle.Now! I'm all about Phillip and Belle!! Since I'm new (?) perhaps, I never saw much chemistry between Belle and Shawn. I think Phillip's macho side is a more "normal" alpha-male - just determined and pained looking at times --- all that money weighing him down??! It seems totally realistic to me that Belle would be hard pressed to ignore the support and safety Phillip could provide - nature calls! I've been reading that regular fans are unhappy with Belle's new promiscuous side - but, this is a Soap Opera, right? Anyway, since enjoying this show so much, I've put some time into the other Soaps, but this one seems in a higher class altogether. The parenting tidbits of advice actually help me with my kids! (and spouse!) I guess just feel like I can relate to the characters - despite whatever plot mechanism is underplay.Thanks to all who work for this show!!!!!!

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