This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
... View MoreEach character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.
... View MoreOne of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
... View MoreExcellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.
... View MoreWell,i agree with everything above, and asgardsrei summed up quite perfectly my own opinion. HOWEVER, if King Abdulah is in fact Lili's father, well, didn't she committed INCEST when she had an affair with him in Lace I??? I just couldn't believe in Lace II that nobody cared-mentioned-paid attention to this very fact!(:-). Still, i give this a 5 just because i TOTALLY ADORE Lace I and just was so desperate to see this glamurous party -partially- reunited...And there are some scenes worth watching anyway, like the opening one, also when Maxim comes back home and find her husband with the secretary, pretty much in the line of Lace I...There's so much trash these days on DVD that one wonders WHY on earth this jewell is not!
... View MoreThe original Lace was silly and cheesy, which is what made it so fabulous. The sequel, Lace II, is just boring.As in Lace, where Lili finds out who her mother is, in Lace II, she finds out who her real father is. Judy is on assignment in Asia, there to interview the head of a revolutionary force. When she gets there she is told that she will be held for $1 million in ransom. Lili is unable to get the money together, even from Pagan and Maxine. Lili decides that the only other person that she can get the money from is her father (we learn in a flashback that her father could not have been Neil the banker from Lace I). She finds a three stories that were written by her mother. In all three, Judy is raped by a different man (two of the stories take place on the evening of the Valentine's dance from Lace I, and the other takes place during a school break). The people in the stories all have aliases, but Judy kept the same initials as the real person. Lili, along with Maxine and Pagan, each take one story and try to determine who her father is. Of course, as in the original, you don't really find out who it is until the very end.I liked the premise of Lace II, I just disliked the execution. Several actors from the original (including Bess Armstrong who played Judy), do not show up for the sequel. Phoebe Cates thankfully drops the atrocious accent from the first film, but the actress playing Pagan still stumbles her way through a bad English accent. Some other things that really bugged me: 1. Pagan and Maxine are very reluctant to help Lili at all, not just with the search for her real father, but with the entire situation all together. They act very unconcerned with they find out Judy has been kidnapped and only agree to help after Lili bitches them out. 2. In the original, Judy has a long time boyfriend. In the sequel he appears very briefly, and when he does, he acts as if he and Judy are just friends. 3. When Lili decides to get the ransom money from her father, how does she know he has money? And even if he did, this was the early 80's. How many people, even wealthy ones, can drum up $1 million in just a couple of days? All in all, I was disappointed. But if I were to watch it again, I would only watch the three flashbacks that play out Judy's three stories of how she was raped, and the ending that tells you which man is her father.
... View MoreHi!I just wanted to say that I love this mini-series!The best line is: "Which one of you bitches is my mother?"Don't you agree?///Sara
... View MoreWe can FINALLY understand why Lily has such a dark complexion while her mother is so fair. This movie was, in many ways, better than Lace #I. One can understand why Lily turned out the way that she did. It was nice to see the girls all work together instead of against each other. The ending was very masterfully done. Bravo!
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