Jack & Jill
Jack & Jill
| 26 September 1999 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    Pretty Good

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    Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.

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    Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.

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    The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.

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    Hi! Finally the show made it to German television. It's a great story with great characters and actors. What I need to know is why it got canceled. Maybe someone of you knows. The show has everything it takes to make it a longtime runner. I don't get it. Are American people only for primitive action series and stupid, bad written shows?Why do all good shows get canceled like Sweating Bullets / Tropical Heat, Dark Angel, Higher Ground, Quantum Leap ...?Here in Austria television is different. The shows are able to gain audience and to have a fair chance without getting canceled after a few low ratings.

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    This is one of the shows that were cancelled on TV without any explanation(another example "Once and Again"). It cannot be the viewers rating, I am sure they were high. The plot is clever, the cast is excellent. Something is going on at the top of the media hierarchy. I really enjoyed watching every episode of the show. It was very dynamic(not a single boring moment)-this is the only common feature it has with "Buffy"(mentioned in one of the comments). But unlike "Buffy" targeting young teens(and not the smart ones), this show was enjoyable for the intelligent adults among all. Did not hurt that the cast had beautiful girls and handsome guys. Cannot help but mention here that I saw Amanda Peet here for the first time and that I haven't seen so beautiful vivid eyes in my life. Which I think helps in acting: I think she was the best actress in "Something's Gotta Give"(and believe me I like Dianne Keaton).

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    This show is one of my faves on the air right now and im glad it has returned for a 2nd season. Amanda Peet and Ivan Sergei are incredible together and have so much chemistry they should win the nobel prize. The supporting cast, Sarah Paulson, Simon Rex, and Justin Kirk, are also terrific, helped by terrific, sharp writing, and terrific direction.I hope the show continues for a lot of years to come, try it, you will fall in love.

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    White Dolphin

    First of all "Jack & Jill" gave me a really bad first impression with it's pilot. For starters Jack's saying that her wedding was like from a fairy tale, but not in a good sence- that if you think about it all fairy tales don't start off that good- someone cuts down your beanstalk or you eat a poison apple. Well Jack must have never read any classic fairy tales because the story of Jack and the Beanstalk _ends_ with the beanstalk being cut down. And Snow White ate the poison apple towards the _end_ of the fairy tale. I hate things like that, when people try to come up with witty lines that come out so idiotic (Dan Quayle of course is the champion at this). The beginning was also similar to the first episode of Friends- rich girl leaves guy at wedding day and runs off to New York City and finds friend she hasn't seen in long time who wasn't invited to the wedding. Yep, that's more or less what the first Friends episode was about. Other than that the jokes tend to be unoriginal, the type you've heard all before. And for once I would like to see a non-goodlooking friend of very good looking Jack and Jill. Then of course there is the entire idea of the -name switch-. A girl called Jack, short for Jacqueline I can understand, but Jill for a guy, that's just rather pathetic. Quite a letdown for me.

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