Heroes of Cosplay
Heroes of Cosplay
| 13 August 2013 (USA)

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    The film was still a fun one that will make you laugh and have you leaving the theater feeling like you just stole something valuable and got away with it.

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    Kaydan Christian

    A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.

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    Brennan Camacho

    Mostly, the movie is committed to the value of a good time.

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    Great movie. Not sure what people expected but I found it highly entertaining.

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    Kristina Jensen

    There are many shows that I enjoy watching, but none make me smile so much as this one. I appreciate the behind the scenes that let you know the individuals as people you can cheer for, you share their hopes and frustrations with them. It gives you the sense of being there with them, not just watching them. In addition it is very exciting to see the different venues the show visits and to watch people just having fun and enjoying life with an almost childlike innocence. That is something all of us as we age should try to grasp hold of and never let go, this show helps you do that! I realize that cosplay may be a niche thing, but if you broaden your horizons a bit, watch the show and let yourself have fun, it will draw you in.

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    This show was done very well. I didn't even know what cos-play was before I watched this! This show was very well done it showed the creative process used when making elaborate costumes and even through in some drama as well! I thought it had even some funny moments to as well as moments when you felt completely sorry for the character. I think this show did a great job at giving you a taste at what cos-play was like. It really showed that teamwork is always great, and was always positive. It is appropriate for all ages and is great for people who want to lean more about cos-play and making Halloween a little more elaborate. Some of the costumes on the show were completely jaw dropping, for just a couple days it was amazing what these people could accomplish. Mrs. Han particular stole the show with some of her enormous costumes and perfection. I hope that this wonderful show will come back for a second season!

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    If you like video games, comic books, anime or just good old fashion cartoons HoC is for you. Good old fashion fun, imagine project runway mixed with fantasy artists and you have cosplay. Whether you want some ideas on how make creative designs or you just want to watch another competition drama show there is something for everyone. Everyone competes but it is the viewer who really wins. You get the opportunity to watch some of the top people in the industry compete with rosy eyed newbie hopefuls. I personally watch this show to see the creative process start to finish and the very novel ideas that the characters apply to their costumes. Enjoy.

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    Over the years, I've seen some amazing costumes at comic book conventions- but few as elaborate as what we see here. I had no idea that "playing dress-up" could be so time-consuming- or so expensive. The desperation some of these contestants experience is understandable when one factors in the amount of time, the workload and the out-of-pocket expense(s). By far the most impressive of the cosplayers (for me) is Yaya Han (or, as Howard Wolowitz of THE BIG BAND THEORY might put it: "Yaya YEAH!!!"): I can't think of a better ambassador for cosplay than Miss Han; anyone who thinks that cosplay is just for kids only needs to take a long look at her...

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