Here Comes Honey Boo Boo
Here Comes Honey Boo Boo
| 08 August 2012 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    Dreadfully Boring

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    I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.

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    Maleeha Vincent

    It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.

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    It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny

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    [ Warning This contains spoilers]i have so many things to say about this show but here it goes first off this kids are out of control because their mother literary spoils them honey boo boo is the worst out of all the children.the humor in this is not funny at all farting games really serious you can do better than that this show is fun when you are a little and not when your a teen or adult. nowadays i kind of hate TLC for their lame, unfunny, and dramatic shows like this and thank god it was canceled i would rated a 0 but unfortunately i can't even do just that.

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    This little girl is obnoxious, overweight, bratty and full of herself - but she certainly isn't to blame, she's just a little kid. She is being spoiled rotten, and she's getting a lot of hype now but when the limelight focuses on something else for the couch potatoes and morons of the world to laugh at, this kid will just be known as the chubby brat with the trailer trash mom who gave her Red Bull. And giving her the energy drink was wrong, but that's beside the point, making a TV show about this kid is just sick and pathetic. Doing this type of thing to a kid at an early age is going to leave her with possible mental problems and other things when she isn't a kid anymore. I mean, she won't be a little kid forever, a decade from now nobody will know what the hell Honey Boo Boo is, and she'll just be known around town as the obese, acne-ridden highschooler in a Southern town. This show is full of nasty crude humor that kids shouldn't ever hear and that adults should know better than to to laugh at, and it portrays the south as a place full of inbred hillbillies, which it isn't.Television is really going downhill lately. I mean, Family Guy is bad enough, but this? This is just idiotic and pathetic, who wants to stare at a reality TV show that focuses on a spoiled fat girl dancing around with her rednecky family? I mean, whether it's wrong to use a kid like this, is it really necessary to waste television space and a tech crew and all that to film this load of crud? What the hell is the point?

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    I think it's funny that many reviewers on here rate this show low, yet they're all into Real Housewives of Atlanta, Jersey Shore, etc. I'm much rather be around the Honey Boo Boo people than those horrifying Jersey Shore, Eating shows, Big Brother, etc.Sure, the HBB people aren't 'refined,' but they're much more well behaved than half the people that I see on the streets of LA, Chicago, DC, NY, etc.They care about each other, they try to do the right thing, and they live life without hurting others.Do you just not like them because they're fat? Or cheesy pageants? or they act like hicks? So, what, you'd rather them be creepy like the real housewives or?

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    What has repelled me from watching this story of a lazy white trash family was the previews to the shows series premiere. Who wants to watch these pigs act like nasty fungus gone bad. Take this show off TV. And another thing... Why would television allow lazy parents to exploit their child like this. If they want to make money in a decent way go get a job. The way they allow their daughter to present herself is pathetic. She needs to be disciplined besides she is still a child. She needs to be a child not an adult. Entering her into child beauty pageants is in bad taste too. It is exploitation of minors and any parent that does that should be thrown in jail.

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