Four in the Morning
Four in the Morning
| 26 August 2016 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    ridiculous rating

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    Good story, Not enough for a whole film

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    Boring, over-political, tech fuzed mess

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    Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.

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    OK I'm a little surprised at the negative reaction this show gets on here. Yes, the comedy is VERY dry, and I guess a lot of people don't get that, but I think that's part of what makes it so brilliant. I've had to re-watch some of the episodes because it all whizzes by pretty quick, but I pick up something new every time, and I love shows that do stuff like that.I have to admit that I was expecting something totally different from the description, basically another angsty 20somethings sitcom, but this show is so much more than that, kind of like a Chekhovian satire. Approach with an open mind.

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    First, "Canadian" is not a knock. Do I need to point this out (cough cough)? Unfortunately, hockey has thus far been the best CanTV. Not saying this is better than hockey, just that calling out something as "Canadian" is not a knock... a knock on us, that is. This show is different ~ but how is that a bad thing (as in a 4.something rating as of now)? The two chicks are good foils; William is a strong straight man to these girls (as in stock character); and Bondurant, well: this character is where performance and strong writing come together to make a show. We've never seen anything like this. Plot, but not arc, driven; performance but not character; post-campy but not cliché... c'mon!!! Stop dumping on this and someone give us another season.

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    Four in the morning reminds me of what a short lived show Mixology tried to do, but much worse...much, much worse. I actually liked Mixology, I couldn't bring myself to watch another episode of FITM.The characters were ridiculous. The artist was completely over acted, frustratingly so. Any guy that blatantly hits on another guys girlfriend would be beat think this was just another thing this guy does is stupid. The women just sounded slutty. To me, it epitomizes everything that's wrong with the dating world and frustrated to even watch.The story was non existent. Two "couples", who are all friends, meet, they talk, they go home. Even Sienfied, the show about nothing, had more of a plot. I'm not sure how this can be labelled as entertainment.

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    Rarely Manic

    Have just watched episode one and immediately find myself with no appetite for any more. This follows four friends who navigate their way through modern day...blah blah blah blah. This is not my cup of tea in the slightest.I do not identify with any of the characters nor can I bring myself to empathize with them or even care how things turn out for them. Three of the four main characters exhibit chronic verbal diarrhea while the fourth member of the group seems to have the task of looking confused and shocked at what his comrades have just come out with. He's not the only one.I found myself irritated and disengaged as wave upon wave of pointless rants were delivered without much in the way of emotion. I would guess this will have quite limited appeal but I'll probably be proved wrong on this one. The show reminds me of 'Bored to Death' but even that show had some charm and genuinely funny moments that would hook the viewer in.The acting is fair (they had a LOT of lines to learn), it's filmed very well and there may be improvements as the series unfolds. I won't be spending any time finding out though. Not my kind of comedy, no sir.

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