Ex on the Beach
Ex on the Beach
| 22 April 2014 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    Plot so thin, it passes unnoticed.

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    Kodie Bird

    True to its essence, the characters remain on the same line and manage to entertain the viewer, each highlighting their own distinctive qualities or touches.

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    Adeel Hail

    Unshakable, witty and deeply felt, the film will be paying emotional dividends for a long, long time.

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    Mathilde the Guild

    Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.

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    Okay so let's acknowledge this for what it is. A stupid reality tv show. And reality tv is entertaining. Obviously, the people on this show have a few screws loose and they're not the brightest, but there's a lesson everyone can learn from this show. When you're in a relationship, don't cheat, don't be fake and most importantly tell the truth! Because the one thing I've learned from this show is the truth will find you one way or another. The producers had dirt on everybody. Hopefully all the contestants learned their lessons because dang. That was a whole lot of baggage.

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    All the people complaining about this make me megalol. What were you expecting? Shakespearean drama? Die Hard action?This is a great show if what you are looking for is fun and entertainment. Don't look too deep into it. This is like James Bond gone wrong and Stephen Bear is Bond.

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    I watched the last season and it was a lot of fun. Big breasted babes especially with no underwear, a mix of guys who spent their lives in the gym. A few fights but mostly fun. I forgot flashes of nudity.This season is a dud. Women with silicone flotation devices and guys that haven't seen the outside of a gym. They never have fun, they're always fighting. And the phookin guy who phookin tells them to phookin say "phookin" all the phookin time should phookin be sent phookin homeFor next season, clean up your act. Get back to having fun with a bit of drama. The constant fighting gets old really fast. 2nd episode fast

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    Ex On The Beach: Proof positive that people who believe they are really, really good looking are relentlessly self-absorbed, sex obsessed narcissists who treat other people like crap in order to get what they want.And from what I've seen thus far, they don't have much going on upstairs. Besides their own self image and how to get in someone else's pants, of course.Yet they're getting paid to behave deplorably in a nice, warm country, while TV cameras record their every move. In the name of what? Are we supposed to live our lives vicariously through these people? Or is this the new low that is lowest common denominator television?I have been forced to sit through this god-awful show because my teenage kids find it entertaining. I really do despair, I thought I'd raised them better than that. It's enough to make me want to cancel my television licence, sell the telly and replace it with something useful, like a big toilet.This is just another nail in the coffin of TV entertainment. John Logie Baird must be turning in his grave to see his incredible invention being abused in such a fashion.

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