| 17 April 2016 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much

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    Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.

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    Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.

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    True to its essence, the characters remain on the same line and manage to entertain the viewer, each highlighting their own distinctive qualities or touches.

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    Biggest pile of pants I've ever watched. Bad acting, irritating main character, horrible story.

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    Yes, it's short and yes, it could've done more. But I have to say, the way in which this show mocks the fanbases was really hilarious and I'm glad that unlike many other attempted mockeries of internet culture, this one was very very accurate. Great acting, great humour, great setting - generally just a really nice short series.

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    I was looking forward for this one, and had it on queue waiting for the perfect moment to binge-watch it, and finally got that perfect moment. It was rather disappointing, the lead guys have no chemistry whatsoever,also the lead guy ironically seems to struggle acting Korean, Justin Chon is the only one that seemed to make an effort at acting and have fun. The concept is interesting and it had so much potential, but it falls flat on the execution, they had so many opportunities to make it fun, and they were wasted, I love kdramas, and there was so much they could have used on this story. At the end, the bad acting,and the bad writing make small episodes feel long and boring.

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    Cindy M.

    Unfortunately the cameos and Justin Choi are the only things worth watching in this short series. The concept sparkles but there is no character development. We're not given any reasons to connect with the main characters or to care about what happens to them. The lead Claire is paper-thin. She has zero depth. The leading male Joon was wooden. Both leads struggled with their acting. Their portrayals either felt forced, flat, or awkward throughout the series. And their love-line never took off. Dramaworld also tries to spoof the genre but none of the things fans love about K- dramas are present beyond shallow acknowledgment that the tropes do, in fact, exist. The tropes are used more like, "Look a cake. Cakes are funny. Everyone loves cakes because they have eggs, and flour, and sugar, and milk…" That's about as much insight as Dramaworld gives into K-drama and its fandom. It lays out all the tropes and then points at them while saying, "Tee hee! Isn't this funny. It has umbrella scenes, and shower scenes, and super sweet heroines, and jerky heroes, and piggyback rides, and mean moms…" And we, the audience, are left to wonder "yeah, and…?" Dramaworld feels like a giant commercial instead of a series we're meant to connect with. I hope Viki changes the writing and directing team and tries again with better actors and a smarter script.

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