Dead Boss
Dead Boss
| 14 June 2012 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much

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    People are voting emotionally.

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    It's no definitive masterpiece but it's damn close.

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    Fatma Suarez

    The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful

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    Just as you get to the peak point of the storyline the series is discontinued. Perhaps it was to test audiences for a second season. Whatever the reason it's left a deep frustration as I just discovered this series in 2018. Well written and casted. Some lovely touches to background scenes, especially in the visitors room. It has some great comedic moments. Very British stock characters and some colour by numbers makes for all ages light entertainment. Here's to a denoumont that sees Helens response...once she gets through the appeals process. I think there's still comedy gold to be had in this series.

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    I cannot believe this was just 6 episodes. Was this canceled? I picked it up on Hulu and thought I missed what happened at the end. It just ended with no resolution of anything. This definitely needs to be continued. It was so creative and funny. It is really the only prison show that did not gross me out. Every character was integral. The mystery put forth was and still is a great cliffhanger. My favorite character had to be the young hot wife. Loved her accent.

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    Tuned in to watch "Dead Boss" How this situation of someone being wrongly accused of a crime can possibly be funny is simply not funny. Its a real shame that really good talent has wasted time and energy making this TV series. There are some great writers and stories out there just needing the BBC to turn them into AWARD winning Drama, can the BBC waste good talent on A series that has chosen a really sad situation which I am sure has happened to people in the past (Jill Dando's killer was jailed and was proved innocent) It is something so AWFUL...Evil threatening characters that the Helen character has to bluff her way out of, come on its beyond stupid, its mindless, thoughtless rubbish and the BBC can and should do better.

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    Sharon Horgan's series 'Pulling' is my favourite comedy of recent years; but 'Dead Boss', her latest effort, sadly fails to hit the same heights. There are some moments of similar genius, of characters whose hysterically exaggerated behaviours are driven by their own deluded perception of reality; but whereas in 'Pulling', these occurred against a realistic backdrop, in 'Dead Boss', the scenario is an improbable murder mystery, and a women's prison portrayed in a manner you might expect of a 1970s sitcom. For all the sharp lines, the flimsy story fails to provide suspense, and the laughter is muted by the unbelievability of the situation. At times, the programme almost feels like a sketch show, with the plot merely providing an excuse for the jokes; but Horgan's sort of comedy needs to be founded in something that feels true. I've watched comedies with fewer good lines; but it's surprisingly amateurish, and a little disappointing for anyone who knows how good, at her best, Horgan can be.

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