Born and Bred
Born and Bred
TV-PG | 21 April 2002 (USA)
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  • Reviews

    Undescribable Perfection

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    A Masterpiece!

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    Frances Chung

    Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable

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    Billy Ollie

    Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable

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    Surprisingly,"Born and Bred" dates from the 21st century even though it is set firmly in the middle of the previous one. Perhaps somewhere in the heart of the determinedly "progressive"BBC there lurks a mole who is minded to portray a lost England as not entirely metrosexual,multicultural and "liberal" as so many programme makers do who are now re - writing history to suit their own agenda. Yes there were places that time forgot where families lived happily together,and were content with their lot.You'd be hard pushed to believe so from what passes as "historical" drama on TV nowadays though. And as my generation gradually dies out who is to speak out for what was real and what is re - imagined? Thankfully,all the time "Freeview" has slots to fill up,programmes like "Born and Bred"will continue to be shown,gold amongst the dross of daytime TV but well worth seeking out. We have father and son doctors in practice in a small Lancashire village and various folk -,vicar,publican,copper,stationmaster,shopkeeper and eccentric old ladies without whom no village can flourish - together making a community. Even without rose - coloured glasses life was simpler then. Doctors had no quotas,the railway ran in blissful ignorance of Dr Beeching,the vicar was a tippling card - playing old boy and the shopkeeper had no sign limiting the number of schoolchildren allowed in his premises. The cast manages to do without such useful props as mobile phones and computers and gives every appearance of enjoying the sensation. Mr J. Bolam freed from playing the miserable ex - detective in "New Tricks" is delightful as Dr Gilder senior, a respected,much loved and wily GP.Mr M.French,freed from playing the miserable surgeon in "Holby City" is equally deft as his son. Miss M.Stride,freed from playing the rather oblique wife of an unlikely restaurateur/detective in "Pie in the sky"is equally oblique but a bit more believable as the publican.When she smiled I felt likeapplauding. "Born and Bred" is not cutting - edge TV,but it is hugely enjoyable family fare with likable characters none of whom are hiding some ghastly secret to be revealed in the next episode. Just decent folk doing what they have to do to get along. Just like it was in the 1950s in fact. Catch it before they ban it for being unreal and unhelpful. Because it is neither.

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    Like Heartbeat, this wonderful bit of nostalgia is certain to entertain those who don't require gun play, gratuitous sex and overacting to keep them enthralled. This is truly a warm cup of cocoa on a quiet evening.While one of the others who criticized this show suggests it took viewers from Heartbeat, I disagree. All the people I know who love Born and Bred also would not miss an Heartbeat episode for the world. He also sought to offer a comparison to the show "24", which is hardly fitting. Born and Bred is what it is and 24 is what it is and the existence of either one does not take away the enjoyment of the other. The difference is that both my son and daughter feel warm and positive at the conclusion of such shows as Born and Bred and Heartbeat, a far cry from their reaction to the constant intensity of other action oriented (read reliant on fast camera moves, two dimensional characters and flashbacks) offerings.While I don't suggest you ignore your action fix or your dose of the cult of personality presented by other genres, I certainly recommend this warm cup of tea.If you can stand great acting by all concerned and not having every move explained to you as if you are slow witted, then this warm and meaningful show is for you.I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

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    "Born and Bred" will probably pass just under the radar of us American TV viewers, unless you are a regular watcher of your local PBS station. It's light hearted, gentle, and unhurried in it's message.The Ciffs Notes version of the show: Small mythical English town doctor and his family are the central figures in "B&B". Throw in a large contingent of supporting cast members. Expect some minor trouble that plagues one of the cast to be settled in a happy way by the time the credits roll at the end. It's not "Masterpiece Theater", but then it doesn't pretend to be.2005 Update: I have now had a chance to watch most, if not ALL of the series, as shown on my local PBS station. I have discovered, that there is ONE episode that does NOT have a happy ending, and that's the two part episode, "The Last Hurrah", that has the elder Dr. Gilder facing some issues with the death of a patient. And let me say, my vote for "Best Episode" would have to go to "A Very Ormston Christmas" Episode: #2.11. I have not laughed harder at any episode of this very happy series.Perfect show for a rainy/cold/dismal day.

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    A desperately contrived attempt by the BBC to recapture the Sunday Evening family audience it once dominated with shows like 'All Creatures Great and Small' and 'Miss Marple'. Take a picturesque northern country village, populate it with a bunch of good character actors, build in a few rivalries and mild generational conflict based around a crusty doctor and his more progressive son and back-date the whole thing to a Never-Never-Land 1950's and hey presto! Ten million viewers are drafted almost wholesale from rival ITV's 'Heartbeat' (Set in a picturesque Northern Village in the 1960's but now rather tired and stale and lacking most of the original cast.)The thing is professionally made and generally well-acted but the first series suffered from some appalling scripts. The storylines and plot twists can usually be fully worked out from the first few minutes of each episode (if not the pre-credit sequence) and most shows centre round the illnesses of villagers whom we have mysteriously never seen before and will assuredly never see again, played by this week's special guest star. The plots are retreads of family shows of yore, such as 'All Creatures...' and 'Doctor Finlay's Casebook' and the whole show has the calming soporific qualities of a warm cup of cocoa.It was a bit unnerving to watch this closely followed by a weekly dose of '24'!The series is mainly shot on location in the beautiful village of Downham in East Lancashire but there is a real problem with this. The village is tiny-a church, a pub and a few houses and is clearly far too small to support a busy cottage hospital as it does in the show let alone the railway station, factory etc. which crop up in various episodes. Coming soon to a PBS or Hallmark network near you.

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