Yor, the Hunter from the Future
Yor, the Hunter from the Future
| 19 August 1983 (USA)
Yor, the Hunter from the Future Trailers

In prehistoric times, the muscular Yor saves his cave-babe from a dinosaur just before they get zapped into the future to battle bad guys in the familiar desolate wasteland.


Plot so thin, it passes unnoticed.

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It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.

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Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.

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An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.

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Comeuppance Reviews

Yor (Brown) is a warrior from a prehistoric (?) time who seems to be the first person to invent ab crunches. At first he is content to go about his day fighting dinosaurs, fighting ape-like creatures with purple skin, and spending quality time with Ka-Laa (Clery) and the elder Pag (Pigozzi). But when a futuristic device appears that looks like a modern-day GPS, Yor begins to question his entire existence. Before you can say "oiled-up dude in a loincloth", Yor and his friends are transported to some sort of Star Wars-like future world, complete with an Emperor (Steiner), who is called "Overlord", and Stormtrooper-esque baddies with masks reminiscent of Darth Vader. Surely Yor is confused, but he must protect his allies and fight the baddies, all while trying to discover the secret to his origins. Can he do it? Yor is a video store classic that anyone with a sense of nostalgia for that place and time (the 80's, and video stores) will surely appreciate. In that classically Italian way, the movie is sort of a melange of the popular things of the time, such as the Star Wars series and He-Man. Throw in a little The Gods Must Be Crazy (1980) and maybe a little Caveman (1981), put in a blender with some alcohol, and there you have it. While I don't know this for sure, I would guess that this isn't director Margheriti's favorite from his own work (it was also based on some graphic novels of the time) - but it's probably the Margheriti most American viewers have seen, since it was distributed widely to stores by Columbia Home Video. Perhaps it opened the door to fans seeking his other output.The costumes are certainly a sight to behold - in the first half of the movie, the raggedy cavemen duds make you think at any moment one of the characters is going to say "It's...!" and an episode of Monty Python will begin. Once we get to the futuristic section later, there's even more greatness and creativity. Why is it in the future, breastplates are so popular? That nagging question aside, we get some nice laser action (because lasers were gigantic in the 80's, never mind Laser Tag and Photon, just ask Judas Priest) - and the laser guns look more like car accessories, but who are we to say what laser guns will look like in the future? Anyone who reads this site knows that we are big Reb Brown fans, and the fact that here he teams up with the great Antonio Margheriti behind the camera is truly a dream team. Brown plays the aforementioned oiled-up dude in a loincloth (OUDIAL for those on the go) with typical aplomb. Though this was so early in his career, he had yet to fully perfect his trademark scream. But he has amazing hair (especially for a prehistoric guy) and looks oddly like James Van Der Beek. Was this VHS tape ever put in the horror section of any video store? Speaking of which...this movie does introduce the public to "triceratops gore" which no doubt we've all been clamoring for.There is some amazing music on the soundtrack. It's not said who did the actual songs in the end credits. We know the music was by the great DeAngelis brothers, along with John Scott, but did they do the Queen-like tunes as well? It's never said what those songs are. But no doubt they were recorded to hop on the bandwagon of yet another popular movie of the day, Flash Gordon (1980).Anyone who doesn't like this movie is just too logical. Turn off the logical part of your brain and just go with the flow. If you do, Yor gonna love it.For more action insanity, drop by: www.comeuppancereviews.com

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What if Conan invaded Star Wars? The adventures of physical specimen Yor, a warrior with blond hair(Reb Brown, with a ridiculous wig)who desires to know where he came from, battling prehistoric creatures, nasty Neanderthals, and the Overlord(John Steiner), a cloaked menace with a Robot army(..they strikingly favor Darth Vador)who lives within the futuristic fortress hidden on an island.Along the journey, Ka-Laa(Corinne Clery, who is smokin' in her prehistoric garb), Yor's love-interest, and Pag(Luciano Pigozzi)whose village and people were killed by the savage Neanderthal tribe, join the hero on his quest to discover his identity..and the meaning behind his odd medallion necklace. Yor soon discovers one of his own kind, the lovely Roa(Ayshe Gul)who is worshipped by crazed nuclear rejects with bad burns throughout their bodies. Soon, Yor will have to evade them, with Roa in tow, before having to fight more Neanderthals. Soon, Yor and company(..minus Roa who becomes a casualty of the Neathderthal attack)will find a peaceful prehistoric tribe he saves from a dinosaur, before they are bombarded by laser fire. A running theme..wherever Yor goes, death and troubles follow. Pag finds an abandoned radio with voices communicating across it, perhaps proving that someone is behind the laser attacks. Soon he, along with Ka-Laa and Pag, will take a boat, specially made by the nearly distinct tribe just attacked by laser fire(..coming from the "radio people")and head for the island where the diabolical Overlord awaits. What Overlord desires is to create a hybrid man-robot(..or "robo-man"?)race, perfect for conquering the world using Yor and Ka-Laa to "spread the seed". But, Overlord wasn't preparing for a revolting mutiny of his own technical staff, tired of his tyranny ready for a new peaceful world to inhabit.Yes, as most will go out of their way to tell you, this film is just plain wacky, but so energetically presented, fast paced, with non-stop action. Margheretti's camera is in full zoom or constantly following the action, but never too annoying. The hokey nature of the film, blasted by most(..deservedly I guess), kind of stuck to me. This is the very definition of guilty pleasure. It plays, to me, like a comic book series with Yor going from one scenario into another, always fending off some fiendish group of people. Reb Brown is rather charisma-less, but the film constantly moves, moves, moves, I had a hard time really focusing on his presence on screen. The film isn't "Conan The Barbarian" or "Star Wars", but the audacity to mix the two completely different themes makes for a rather jaw-dropping experience. Seeing Pag, for instance, shooting a laser at a robot after firing his bow and arrow at a Neanderthal, not too long ago, is almost surreal.The film explains that a nuclear fall-out caused a return to prehistoric times, with "survivors" infected spread throughout, and those few uninfected on the island. Overlord kept his people in the belief that outside..on the mainland away from the island..everything is radioactive and poisonous. Yor and his band prove otherwise. It's absolutely an insane premise, but I couldn't resist it..it was like chocolate, or something. Just don't trust my feelings about it because seeing a space ship setting off for a prehistoric mainland is plain ga-ga. I'm even questioning my own taste this moment wondering why I enjoyed this crazy movie so much.

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Most of the reviewers here seem to have overlooked a portion of the movie audience who love this film and keep it alive for one reason only, and that is to see muscle-boy Reb Brown leap, jump, swing and climb his way into our hearts wearing nothing more than a thong under his flimsy, breeze-catching loincloth.It's his gorgeous buns that are the real stars here, lifting the action twice as high with their splendid rebounds---and no special effects or stunt-doubles were used in those sequences, the bounce you see is authentically Reb! He must have realized he was "showing" during the filming, but the fact that he doesn't seem to care only stirs our appreation.It's sad Reb's real-life future did not include a Yor-2, or a Son of Yor, not even The Buns of Yor, and Reb (Mr. Brown) never again received an opportunity to demonstrate those well rounded talents so fully, consequently losing his reputation as the only actor in Hollywood who could up-stage himself by turning his back to the audience.I hope this revelation sheds some light on why this clunker keeps selling and Columbia Pictures is spending time and money to transfer it to DVD. Can you spell p-r-o-f-i-t-s ?UPDATE: Yes, there exists one other film showcasing Mr. Browns greatest talents; "Sssssss" (1973) Starring, Strother Martin. Reb plays big dumb jock, Steve Randall, who vies for the attention of the films leading lady. A small part for sure and he gets bumped off before the middle of the film, but you know what they say; "There are no small parts"! And, Reb proves it, by cracky, making the most of his 15 min. walking into a shower as God made him.

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This was the greatest science fiction film ever made. It had everything from half naked cave women (who look like strippers) to giant dinosaur puppets that our hero, the brain damaged surfer, must battle to save the planet (only to set off an atomic bomb accidentally at the end of the movie).Star Wars won an academy award for special effects and it only had 1 Darth Vader. Well, this movie has like 50. You know it was a conspiracy at the academy awards. This movie should have cleaned house.If you haven't seen this movie that is almost as bad as being a virgin. You have really missed something wonderful and unique that all human beings should experience.If everyone watched this movie there would be no famine or war, and the ozone layer would grow back.

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