| 28 August 2009 (USA)
Yellowstone Trailers

Filmed over the course of a year in Yellowstone, this 3 part documentary tracks the area's wildlife as they grapple with life and death within one of America's last remaining wilderness regions.


Stylish but barely mediocre overall

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It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.

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The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.

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Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.

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This documentary proved to be one of the best docu-films ever viewed by me. But it's a production from BBC, so there's no surprise here. The narrator(s) also set an example of how a narration to a film should be. The sound tracks are right on the track to accommodate every scene. The cinematography of it only proved how good these BBC camera guys are on top in this trade. Every scene in this film is like a painting, so beautiful and so breath-taking.I could never imagine how viewers could give this film below 7, and those who gave 1 to 5 of it should have their eyes and brains checked; obviously CAT scan is needed, besides the visual and hearing problems. What you guys need? Because you rarely see tourists, SUV and RV in this Yellow Stone? What's wrong with you guys?

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............................................................from Pasto,Colombia...Via: L.A. CA., CALI, COLOMBIA and ORLANDO, FL This documentary worked a spell on me and made two and a half hours go by in a brilliant flash of glorious natural splendor! The BBC did an incredible job at filming and presenting the seasonal wonders and intricacies of what is, perhaps, the most beautiful, awe-inspiring national park on earth.The BBC really managed to breath life into YELLOWSTONE, bestowing it with a cyclical life all its own! The narration, by British actor Colin Firth, both in delivery and content, is heartfelt, crisp and superb. The cinematography is nothing short of breathtaking, absolutely jaw-dropping, or any other accolade you prefer to use, with a truly remarkable color palate...and that was viewing an up-converted, standard DVD, not the Blu-Ray version! If you have a Blu-Ray option, you MUST be sure to use it. Towards the end of the Documentary, Firth explains, step by step, how the reintroduction of wolves into the Yellowstone ecosystem has restored the park to an ecological balance reminiscent of the early 20th century. Thusly offering a crucial real-life example of just how fragile an ecosystem can be when it is tampered with by man! YELLOWSTONE is one of the most dazzling, enthralling and interesting Nature documentaries I have ever seen in my entire life! Rest assured it will be added to my DVD collection. If you are a Nature lover, this is a world-class must see! 10 Autumn leaves, multi-hued, Stars!.....ENJOY/DISFRUTELA!Any comments, questions or observations, in English or Español, are most welcome!

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Seth Brown

We love this documentary. This must be one of the best documentary in its category. The narrator is excellent and the visuals are breath taking. I wish I had an opportunity to watch this when I was growing up.It comprises of 3 episodes: Winter, Summer and Autumn. All of them are excellent.Overall, excellent value. I recommend it whole heartedly, especially if you have kids in the family. I ended up buying one as a gift for my nephews. Hopefully, they will enjoy learning from it as I did.-SGB

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Eugene Kang

BBC nature documentaries are always worth watching as the images captured are quite remarkable. This BBC series, which consists of 3 episodes, is divided into winter, summer, and autumn. The series examines wildlife at Yellowstone National Park, which is the world's first national park and situated mainly in Wyoming, America. The three episode series focuses primarily on wolves, elk, pronghorns, beavers, trees, and bison as well as many other wildlife. Overall, Yellowstone is an amazing documentary. The images shot were captivating and inspirational. It's unbelievable how some scenes were shot as they were highly detailed and visually striking. One other factor worth mentioning is the narration. The script is written beautifully and merges perfectly with the imagery. I look forward to the next BBC documentary.

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