| 10 April 2005 (USA)
Supervolcano Trailers

Yellowstone is a park, but it's also the deadliest volcano on Earth. Beneath it, a sleeping 'dragon' is stirring. When an earthquake opens a crack for magma to seep through, other warning signs of an eruption start popping up, but they are ignored or dismissed as 'minor'. But when they learn an eruption will happen, panic breaks out through people of the USA and the world.

Robert Joyner

The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one

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Bea Swanson

This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.

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Leoni Haney

Yes, absolutely, there is fun to be had, as well as many, many things to go boom, all amid an atmospheric urban jungle.

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A clunky actioner with a handful of cool moments.

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While I wouldn't consider it a blockbuster, I really didn't expect much from this movie. After watching I am very impressed. Somethings caught my eye however. Factual errors were made, but when you keep in mind that this is a British movie, not an American movie, you can accept these minor errors. All the graphics were really good, except one that looked like TV style graphics, but still good.If you need a good disaster movie and love volcanos...this is a movie for you. The science behind it all seemed really legit. I would say they were more spot on than blockbuster movies out there. It seems like they did their homework on the science.

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As my job is to deal with the emergencies in disaster situations, I had found many studies regarding volcanic eruptions. At that time I hadn't seen the BBC's Supervolcano. As I found this title in my local DVD store I thought "it worths the try".Finally, when the movie ended, I was really thrilled by what it was presented in this docu-drama film. Not the best disaster movie but far more the most realistic in all levels. The visuals were OK (its a TV miniseries so it is very impressive), direction was very good, focusing in the realistic scientific data and the people that would deal with this disaster. The most impressive about this film was that the details regarding the response were actually what all the protocols in disaster relief are predicting. Very good technical background and good study by the writer and director on how people do really react or what is their responsibility when a disaster like this is imminent and finally is evolving to a real catastrophe. Those people like the Rick or Wuendy (the FEMA woman) are really those that will decide eventually whether the impact of the disaster will be total or some lives can be actually saved. (In this point the script is great when Wendy says about the President of USA and the invasion in Mexico...perfect notation!!) Offcourse there were some small "I have seen and heard it before" moments but ID4 and the Day After Tomorrow was full of them.As a movie, Supervolcano could easily stand in the theaters and I do hope that BBC will release a more detailed theatrical version with better CGI effects and more elaborated performances and additional footage. Imagine the sound when Mount Norris explodes in the theater with DTS or THX sound effect.Anyway! It is a good material. People that are working in the field of Disaster Managment should see it, cause it gives a good point of view on what happens when a disaster of this magnitude actually occurs. And off course, it will happen in Yellowstone or elsewhere.Thumbs up!! KIRKAN

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Jackson Booth-Millard

This two part special documentary and film like TV special is a true story, it just hasn't happened yet. This is basically a prediction of a volcano going off in Yellowstone park and changing the face of most of our planet, especially around America. It mentions at the beginning that the characters are fictitious to tell the story, but the event is going to happen, we just don't know when. At first I didn't want to see a film like TV special about something bad that could happen to our planet, but then again I kind of thought that after The Day After Tomorrow. So I guess I mainly wanted to see how much our country would be affected by this giant volcano explosion. Basically the volcano is the biggest in the world, and apparently has loads of caverns ready to explode, over the time the world will be covered in hazardous ash fall, and then some snow or something. I just hope it doesn't happen any time soon, well, everyone does. It was nominated the BAFTA for Best Visual Effects, and it was nominated the Emmy for Outstanding Special Visual Effects for a Miniseries, Movie or a Special. Very good!

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Theo Robertson

This was hyped up with a massive amount of trailers and one of the things I dislike about a lot of programmes these days is the hype they receive . I also noticed it was one of those very multinational productions like THE GRID so I was expecting a very mid Atlantic flavour full of bed hopping , mawkishness , action scenes , really poor dialogue and of course a happy ending but what I got was something unexpected The first episode is a bizarre mix involving soap opera , disaster movie build up and an episode of the BBC science show HORIZON . The characters are introduced and some of them are interviewed for camera . Instantly I thought this was a mistake since the interviews are conducted in the past even ie if they are interviewed then we know they'll be seeing the final credits and won't die . However when the supervolcano erupts setting off a chain reaction of other volcanic eruptions it becomes clear that the interviewees are out of the line of fire and the ones in danger haven't been interviewed hence they might die . So much for my conclusion that we'll be having an optimistic ending . What does become clear is that the human race may suffer the fate of the dinosaurs ! SUPERVOLCANO is gripping , informative and downbeat . It's maybe not as shocking as the BBC docudrama THREADS but in its own way it's just as effective . It's not flawless , for example the special effects look a little too like CGI in some scenes and there's bits that just don't ring true like people in Britain stocking up on food and water in the face of a coming disaster , sorry but we don't do that in this country - We just sit back in an apathetic manner in front the television with a cup of tea in our hands . Brits give fatalism a bad name . If I have one serious problem then it's the fact the narrative is too short . We find out that the ash in the atmosphere has blocked out much of the suns light meaning we have a " Nuclear winter " effect whereby even at the height of Summer the Earth's temperature will cool leading to all sorts of geographical disasters like famine in the third world where millions will die but this is only referred to in passing while another effect - The collapse of the American economy and all that entails - is not mentioned at all . But despite the flaws this is a pretty good speculative drama simply because iit's all too credible

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