Woke Up Dead
Woke Up Dead
| 05 November 2010 (USA)
Woke Up Dead Trailers

Drex Greene (Jon Heder), a confused zombie who can’t be any deader, tries to solve the case of the mystery pill that left him drowned in a bathtub. With the help of his wannabe filmmaker roommate Matt (Josh Gad) and the sexy med student Cassie (Krysten Ritter), who first discovers Drex as he unzips himself from his own body bag, the three begin to uncover leads about why his death didn’t stick, why a mystery online chat buddy is after him and why he’s starting to show signs of superpowers. Will they figure out why Drex is only sort of dead? Will Cassie discover ancient Zombie secrets? Will Matt get a film career out of it? Or is falling in love actually what Drex needs to do to stay alive?


disgusting, overrated, pointless

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Robert Joyner

The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one

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Rosie Searle

It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.

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The movie really just wants to entertain people.

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The other reviews make a point of how bad the acting is and how corny. I think the show is best watched in the short segments it was originally made in. I've only seen the first four episodes but I think it is a kind of neat idea that someone could wake up a zombie and not know why. The show is unlike any other zombie show or movie when there are hundreds of them running around and eating everyone else. It's funny to see a relatively intelligent guy coming to terms with the fact that he may in fact be dead. I like the acting, it's realistic. Jon Heder is always this way, no matter what he's in. I like him best as the voice of Chicken Joe in Surf's Up. I am looking forward to seeing the rest of the episodes. I don't find it laugh out loud funny, but there are enough amusing incidents during the unfolding of the plot that it keeps me watching. This is one of those shows where it's so bad it's good.

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The story had potential for some fun with zombies. The script is something out of junior high school. Just because the writers or producers were relying on a teenage boy demographic, this is one of the worst zombie comedies. I like the lead character. What is up with the voice over? Is this Blade Runner? What is up with the over gratuitous tits and ass all the moment a chick enters the scene? How did this series get made in the first place and more importantly WHY? There is so much better fluff out there: Sean of the Dead, any Will Farrel flick, any good Eddy Murphy, heck RV with Robin Williams, dumbed down for the film executives with enough fun for the viewers!

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I would not even use this movie to punish a small child who won't behave. It would be cruel and unusual punishment to make anyone sit through this. If your time is worth nothing and you are deaf dumb and blind you might be able to sit through this without suffering intestinal cramps. I seriously doubt it though. I was in the can for two hours after watching just 20 minutes of this waste of celluloid. This movie isn't worth the ink used to write the idea on the napkin which was the screenplay. The only reason anyone would give this aborted fetus of a movie more than one star is because they feel sorry for the hot brunette girl who's career this waste of time has surely ruined. The world would be a better place if the camera would have caught fire with VHS tape still inside. If the editor would have done his job correctly, this thing would have been destroyed along with the garage it was filmed in just to be sure it wouldn't spread like smallpox on an Indian blanket.

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Patrick Merrill

Unfortunately, Heder only has a few minutes to convey a lot in these webisodes. Looks like it could have been a great "made for TV" movie or nice "B" flick. The acting is horrible (especially Heders) and the writing is childish. The idea seems solid, but a lot of execution is missing. Great camera work, good lighting, some decent direction, but most the characters lack anything of interest. They are cartoons of people but not funny.Krysten Ritter comes off amazingly strong, though, and shows some serious skills like she did in "Breaking Bad." She looks to be a real a star on the rise with the right roles. Good for her.I'm afraid that this is just another notch in Heder's acting decline. This productions is almost too glossy for this poor talent. Strange.Love zombie flicks. Now let's see a good one!

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