R | 02 May 1988 (USA)
Witchcraft Trailers

A new mother and her child move into her mother-in-law's dark old mansion. She soon begns to suspect that neither the house nor her mother-in-law are quite what they seem to be.


Absolutely brilliant

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This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.

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Billie Morin

This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows

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Ezmae Chang

This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.

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As Grace Churchill (Anat Topal-Barzilai) gives birth to her son William, images of a pair of witches being burnt at the stake flash through her mind. On leaving hospital, Grace's husband John (Gary Sloan) informs her that she will be staying at his mother's home for a while until she is ready to cope by herself. Before long, Grace starts to experience strange occurrences that eventually lead her to believe that John and his mother, Elizabeth (Mary Shelley), are up to something strange.Rather unbelievably, this tepid supernatural thriller, which clearly takes its cues from Rosemary's Baby, has spawned fifteen sequels to date, apparently finding an appreciative audience by including plenty of nudity and soft-core sex. This first film, however, offers nothing in that department: it's dull, uneventful drivel for most of the running time, only coming to life in the final ten minutes where extremely patient viewers are rewarded with a spot of much needed gore, including a decapitation and an impalement.As a horror movie completist, I now feel compelled to watch the rest in the series, no matter how bad they get: wish me luck… I get the feeling I will need it.

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not as bad as i expected still no better then mediocre the acting isn't great but overall it was tolerable and mostly acceptable the effects are solid and it has a cool head decapatation moment near the end this was quite watchable and the production values were good and it is quite well made on a low budget it has some truly creepy scenes and the score is chilling but it is ruined by the lame ending and poor dialog and characters we could care less about and it was predictable as well and it is a Rosemary's baby clone (only not as good) check out the laughable scene where our lead character where our lead character wakes up from a dream and starts screaming and totally overacting still it has some creepy dream sequences and overall this was a watchable time that is worth a rent but it is only average at best ** out of 5

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I'm surprised at all the bad reviews that i've read, cause frankly, I like this film. I know the actors aren't Oscar worthy and the plot is derivative of some films, but I find this film entertaining and the best of the series.!!!SPOILERS!!! A Woman gives birth to a boy and is taken to live with her Mother In-Law. She soon discovers that her Husband and his Mother are the ghosts of witches who want to make her baby Satan. Some suspense, o.k. story, and a decent music score. *** out of *****.

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A woman, who just had a baby, goes to live with her mother-in-law along with her husband, but she notices weird things going bump in the night. Rips-off the classic Rosemary's Baby, but nowhere near as good as it. Skip this, and rent a copy of Rosemary's Baby. The bottom of the barrel. 1 out of 10.

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