| 08 May 1992 (USA)
Winterbeast Trailers

Set during the fall (NOT winter), a small New England town is brutally ravaged by possessed totem poles.


In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.

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This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.

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a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.

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Amazing worth wacthing. So good. Biased but well made with many good points.

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According to IMDb, filming for Winterbeast started in 1986 & then it was forgotten about.Only 2 scenes are from 1986 & the rest is from 1989 (Interesting) Winterbeast isn't a movie that's so BAD it's good, it's a movie that's so BAD it's HILARIOUS.Totem poles are coming to life & killing people!!! There are times where you'll laugh, There are times where you'll cringe, There are times where you'll go WTF?! You'll either be entertained or BORED out of your mind.I don't know if there will be times where you'll get pains in your head watching it like I did but I hope not.The claymation in this movie reminded me of The Gumby Show, only demented.After the 1st claymation monster scene with the lady who puts forth no effort in her screaming (Which was hilarious) after seeing the monster, You know it's going to be bad.Winterbeast is a movie for all those bad movie lovers out there.If you're not a bad movie lover then I can't imagine you'll sit through the whole thing.I absolutely LOVE, LOVE, LOVE bad movies but out of all the tons of them that I've seen, I've NEVER ever seen 1 like Winterbeast.The DVD cover even says *It Must Be Seen To Be Believed* & that's the truth!!!

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'Winterbeast' definitely raises the bar for bad filmmaking techniques. I honestly just don't even know where to begin with this one, this is such a treasure for fans of god awful bad cinema. The acting talent is below minimum, and the claymation effects which were the original class project for this film seem to only last about five minutes of screen time, with the rest of the film as horribly dragged out dialogue of "character development" if you can call it that, and contrived, stale plot which somewhat resembles what the bast**d child of 'Jaws' and 'The Evil Dead' would look like down to a tee. Basically, just take the premise that 'Jaws' handed off to the thousands of films that would use it's template in the decades to follow, and replace the shark with a totem pole or a demon or whatever, and we have one of the greatest, most awful pieces of independent filmmaking ever.The film is listed as being made in 1991, but it comes off looking more like a project from 1971 that was found in some dusty basement shack of a storage room, obviously due to the use of ancient camera equipment. This all just adds to the nostalgic feel of this gem even more, this is the kind of sh*t that I thrive on, and if you're reading this and have been fortunate enough to view this piece of badness, you probably thrive on this kind of terrible, atmospheric lore as well. Students and admirers of Charles B. Pierce's low-budget goodness 'The Legend Of Boggy Creek' and other films of that ilk will be ecstatic.WINTERBEAST -----7/10.

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Don't believe the naysayers when you read about this movie. This film truly exemplifies the independent film spirit. Winterbeast is a film that clearly did not have much of a budget to begin with, nor any real talent behind or in front of the camera. Regardless of any of that, the filmmakers have managed to produce a film that was most likely dated before it was even in the can, with amazing, Gumby-like effects (were Gumby a horny totem pole, that is), a flaming Jewish stereotype of a villain (the incomparable Bob Harlow) and no real plot to speak of. I have probably seen this movie way more times than any human being should have, and it is truly a mantle I wear proudly. Watch it alone, watch it with your friends, watch it drunk or sober, just watch it. You owe it to yourself.

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This has to be the worst movie ever made. At least Plan 9 From Outer Space had a plot you could follow, this film doesn't even provide that. It's a convolted mess that never deserved to be released to the public. Hopefully the original reel is rotting in someones's basement or workshed so no one else can be tarnished or cursed with this monstrosity!

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