| 11 February 1997 (USA)
Werewolf Trailers

After an archaeological team in Arizona unearths a werewolf skeleton and one of them develops symptoms of lycanthropy before dying, the dig's foreman, Yuri, tries to infect other townspeople as an experiment. When a science writer named Paul takes up residence in the town to cover the dig and develops a romantic interest in a female team member, Yuri makes Paul his next target.

Perry Kate

Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!

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Most undeservingly overhyped movie of all time??

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Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.

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The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.

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I've seen many of the MST3K episodes. Some of the movies they've chosen were cheesy, some were lame, and all were hilarious. This, however, is legitimately one of the worst movies they did. From front to back, a wretched abomination.It's kind of hard to spoil a movie when, in watching it from beginning to end, you can't even figure out what happened. The reason for this is simple: there was no plot. Things just happened with no rhyme, reason, or explanation. Speaking of things changing at random with no warning, that one guy's hair. If I cared what was going on in this film, I might have actually been frustrated with the complete lack of a cohesive story.I'm not even sure who the characters were, why they were there, and what they were supposed to be doing. All I know is that Martin Sheen's brother was in it (until he wasn't). On the plus side for Estevez, he's less embarrassing in this movie than in Soultaker. A terribly-acted, incoherent disaster. Like many other awful movies, however, it does make for a great MST3K episode.

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This movie is terrible, but it is watchable. It's exciting enough to at least somewhat enjoy, even though you're laughing the whole way through because of how lame the plot and acting are. The Mystery Science Theater episode is just hilarious. I was laughing so hard at their commentary and the ridiculousness of the film that I had trouble breathing, like when the werewolf is staring at his girlfriend and someone (don't remember who, maybe Mike) says something like, "Now you just need to wear a long, loose dress and roll around in the mud for me." Previously, a stupid girl in a long dress saw the werewolf and ran OUT of the vehicle she was in, only to be chased by it and killed in the mud. 3/10 for the movie (even the non MST3K version is humorous) 10/10 for the MST3K version.

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Arizona scientists uncover the skeleton of a werewolf (no joke) and when a man gets cut by the skull he- well, you can probably figure that much out.Very cheap werewolf flick filmed in southern California is enjoyable enough for those who can dig cheesy B horror films, but certainly not a movie to be taken seriously! Werewolf has a decent enough premise behind it but really suffers from a lack of budget and some super-lame dialog! Seriously, this movie has some of the most unintentionally funny dialog! The werewolf FX are pretty cheap, consisting of various B movie FX like puppet heads, wolf suits, and guys with increasingly hairy faces and plastic fangs. A completely uneven cast doesn't help matters either. Dig that native American theme music!Bad movie lovers might just enjoy it but there is no disguising the lameness of this cheapie . It made for a great episode of Mystery Science Theater 3000!* 1/2 out of ****

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MST3K version.This film is a perfect example to show that; Long periods where nothing happens are not necessarily dramatic of suspenseful.The pace of the film is established by Tom Servo during the establishment shot of the hospital. (not exact but the gist)"Okay they've established the hospital,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,they've established the hell out of the hospital."You bought 25 seconds of stock footage, so your going to use 25 seconds of stock footage.

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