PG-13 | 10 June 2016 (USA)
Warcraft Trailers

The peaceful realm of Azeroth stands on the brink of war as its civilization faces a fearsome race of invaders: orc warriors fleeing their dying home to colonize another. As a portal opens to connect the two worlds, one army faces destruction and the other faces extinction. From opposing sides, two heroes are set on a collision course that will decide the fate of their family, their people, and their home.


Masterful Cinema

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Excellent, a Must See

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A lot of perfectly good film show their cards early, establish a unique premise and let the audience explore a topic at a leisurely pace, without much in terms of surprise. this film is not one of those films.

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There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes

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This is probably the nerdiest film I have ever seen, which I find endearing as somebody who is a fan of franchises that hold such a shamelessly niche appeal. And on that point, my biggest praise I can give this film is that the aesthetics are completely loyal to how the games look and feel. However, this and the fairly competent action direction don't make up for the rest of this film feeling so empty. It has the most basic of plot-lines, the world-building doesn't expand much beyond the occasional fan-pandering, and an ending that is completely pointless beyond the set up for a sequel we will probably never see. I should probably hate this more than I do, but I left with less of a sour taste in my mouth as much as I did with an unanswered query: who is this for?! (apparently, a fair amount of people in China, according to the box office...)Viewed 8/7/2018

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Back when this came out a lot of people spoke very positively about this. In fact when I first heard about it I was positive I wouldn't like it, I'm just not into movies based on video games. But that very thing was what caused me to enjoy it so much, because I knew this was based on a video game, I could totally accept the characters and the visuals in this film, and they blended in with the live actors so well it was hard to tell how it was done Very nice addition to Duncan Jones/Zowie Bowie's (I can't believe that this is the guy making these movies) repertoire, I remember when the kid was born. And now he's made a few really great movies, including source code. I liked Paula Patton from ghost protocol, and I believe I saw her in mirrors as well. There were a few other names that I always like seeing, Ben Foster and Dominic Cooper, and Toby Kebbel and Clancy brown, not to mention Ruth Negga from agents of shield. But the St. Louis film critics association should get stuffed, awarding this "worst film of the year". I award them "worst film critics ever". This is just amazing because the buzz about this film was highly positive at the time and by reading through this now, you think it was a total flop. But it actually wasn't. Everybody that I spoke to loved this film, all of my friends, and I heard that this was great from more sources than I had expected too: I was expecting people to say that they hated it. But in fact the only people who hated it where the St. Louis film critics Association. It was that positive buzz that made me interested in this in the first place, and here comes the SLFCA to quash that. Well the hell with them, I will have to remember that if they ever award any other films worst of the year, I will have to immediately go out and watch those films The thing that amazes me is that I normally don't go for this kind of thing but it was done so well. I had been wondering why there hasn't been talk about a sequel, because I thought this movie was going to be the first one in some kind of new Ur fantasy trilogy, but thanks to the SLFCA and other trolls, we don't get to see this story told any further. Thanks a lot.

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In short: too much CGI, a boring story, boring characters, long-stretched battles. Well, you get everything a fantasy and action fan craves for - beautiful pictures, great heroes and battles and stuff but somehow in this movie everything just looks and feels like a cliché and made without care. If you got a dish you taste if a cook is cooking with care to details and he likes his job and tries to surprise and please you or if he is just doing everything by the books like an automate. That's somehow how Warcraft hit me - everything is here but it tastes like convenience food: artificial and boring to the tongue and mind. Recommendation only for fans of the game/franchise and/or fantasy die-hards.

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First I must say that I am not familiar with the game or book series yet, but from my perspective I really enjoyed the movie and hope that they make more. This movie has also made me interested in reading the books and playing the games, so while I can't say whether or not it stayed true to the story/game, I can say it got me interested in them. Again, I really hope they make another movie!!!!

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