I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
... View MoreWhat a waste of my time!!!
... View MoreSelf-important, over-dramatic, uninspired.
... View MoreThe movie's only flaw is also a virtue: It's jammed with characters, stories, warmth and laughs.
... View MoreI remember the original Vampyres faintly Because I Was only 8 when it came out. When is found out there was a remake I got excited. Because of the subject matter I would be able to enjoy now as an adult. Hot Vampire lesbians, bring it on, This remake of the 1974 cult classic Vampryes, again has two vampires in the English countryside. There in a tucked away house in the woods. They lure unsuspecting men and feed off of them. When a photographer and her helpers arrive and camp out near by. The Vamps set there eyes and passion on them. The movie is very creepy and brilliantly shot. The dreary woods make a perfect backdrop to the craziness going on in an around. There is gore galore and nude bodies. The 2 leads are gorgeous and fun to listen to. I recommend a look. So many times remakes are poorly done And not faithful to the original. This has the feel of the original and if you didn't know it was shot in 2015 you would think it was the 70's. Still beautiful Caroline Munro Stars in it. Vampyres, 2015. Directed by Victor Matellano. Starring Caroline Munro, Veronica Polo , Marta Flich , Almudena Leon , Anthony Rotsa, Lone Fleming and Elvira Moliterno
... View MoreSpanish terror movie about two Vampyre women who cause dreadful murders , being originally directed by the Spanish craftsman Victor Matellano . It begins with a sentence by Teophile Gautier : ¨She sprang from the bed with the force of a savage animal directly to my wound , sucking my life's blood with undescribable voluptuosity¨. Blood-soaked erotic movie upon two gorgeous Vampyres coerce unsuspecting campers to their castle , a regal English manor , for a good time . Introducing a devilish new spin to the vintage movie directed by Joseph Larraz starred by Marianne Morris and Anulka . Here is told a similar story , a lesbian vampire couple (Marta Flich , Almudena León) who would waylay and kidnap various passers-by , both male and female , to take them captive at their luxurious rural manor . It is an allegory yarn set at a luxury mansion occupied by two tempting female vampires and a man they have under lock & key in their cellar . They ensnare victims with their sexy bodies , they lurk the rude woods preying on the innocent and the foolishly valiant to tread solitary , then chew their blood the old way . But their existences and lifestyles are suddenly turned upside down when three meddlesome hikers camping at a tent come upon their lair seeking to uncover their dark secrets . The campers inevitably , embrace their amazing fate as soon as to be aware that some legends are real . A decision that has unexpected sexual but ominous consequences . This is an up-and-coming remake based on a classic movie by director José Ramón Larraz released in 1974 , a film called Vampyres . In fact , the film is dedicated and in Memoriam to Jose Ramon Larraz , master of arty gore and soft-core . Here Victor Matellano brings this ghastly and stylish story plagued with eerie intrigue , nudism , wicked sado-masochistic behaviors , highly blood-curdling scenes and murders executed in a creepy mansion . The gorgeous protagonists , Marta Flich , Almudena León , deliver the goods , they are are a pair of beautiful vampires who get victims to pull over by hitchhiking , then they proceed to bring them back to their house and drink their blood . Support cast is pretty good , including some grateful cameos as Caroline Munro , Fele Martínez , Antonio Mayans , Lone Fleming , Conrado San Martin and May Heatherly's last film . This horror movie results to be entertaining but slow-moving , focusing two vampires abduct trippers and drivers , to hold them at their large mansion in the countryside in order to kill and feed on them to satisfy their insatiable thirst for chew their blood . Their starving wishes seem to carry out terrible deaths , which are impossible to stop . As they feed them wine , have passionate sex , and then stab them to death while drinking their blood . The alluring female Vampyres shared the pleasures of the flesh , bloody hungry , and the horrors of the grave . They unleash their fantastic skills and become even more violent and sadistic . A group that has not yet found a better place to remain attempts to find out the rare events leading to an old mansion in bloody results which end in death .This frightening movie deliberately told contains thrills , chills , suspense , sleazy images and lots of violence and gore , including obnoxious killings . It is a straight horror film that features gallons of sleaze upon sleaze and a lot of sexualized violence . The screenplay is credited to director José Ramón Larraz along with Victor Matellano. This is a Spanish exploitation from Hammer Vampyres vein , as Victor Matellano based on the original plot from José Larraz takes here and there from ¨The Vampire Lovers" , ¨Carmilla¨, ¨Countess Dracula¨, and ¨Twins of Evil¨ , among others . Sometimes weak screenplay is added to well-staged murders and some gory special effects . Furthermore , a scary and thrilling musical score creates a real terror . Colorful but extremely dark cinematography in Hammer style with glimmer as well as lurid colors .This imitation to sexy , twisted 1974 cult classic was professionally made -but with no originality- by Victor Matellano and was a flop at box office , in fact in Spain was only released in 15 theaters . Victor is an expert on terror movies , as he also directed : ¨Stop over in the hell¨ , ¨Wax¨ , and Short movies such as ¨La Cañada De Los Ingleses¨ , ¨¡Zarpazos! Un Viaje Por Spanish Horror¨ or ¨A Journey through Spanish Horror¨ , ¨Stacatto¨ and ¨Tío Jess¨ . His films are plenty of raw eroticism , grisly killings and depraved gore .
... View MoreThere is not much to see in this remake, but there's a lot to talk about.The first version of Vampyres was made in 1974 Directed by Josè Ramòn Larraz. The main characters was played by two beautiful, mysterious and sexy actresses: Marianne Morris (Fran) and Anulka (Miriam). For the fans of this film, as they know, the story is about two women who lives in a big , old manor and they hitchhiking drag they're victims into a blood orgy. In the 1974, the scenarios, the background music and the horror atmosphere was truly Gothic and electrifying like cult classics like Halloween, Salem's Lot and Thexas Chainsaw Massacre. Let's talk about the new version.The cheesy song in the intro. My God, ¿Seriously? In the original movie there is bats, and a creepy rock song. Fran and Miriam (Marta Flich and Almudena Leon). They are kinda sexy but there is a lack of acting skills, and the accent is horrible. Not mention the wardrobe, they look like whores. Ann (Veronica Polo) wasn't wear appropriate clothes for camping, check the film.The editing is a disaster.There is a bunch of unnecessary actors like the woman in the hotel with photographs of dead people of 1800's; Ann and Peter, disconnecting with the original script.The dialogues are much, much poor,like one of those low budget horror flicks, and this is a big disgrace. The end credits we watch blood running and yet another cheesy song.Shame. I'm sorry for Mister Larraz memory.I'll stick with the original movie.
... View MoreCult classic 'Vampyres (1974)' is re-imagined here by Spanish writer and Director Víctor Matellano. Depending on which reviews you may read, the original was either a very good or a very bad exploitation film – certainly, it acted as a series of set-pieces fusing gory horror with erotica. As such, this is a pretty faithful remake. There is no hugely involving story here, and the plot-line is spread very thinly.Whereas the original really created a mood, with filming taking place in autumnal England, here, such skeletal trees and crisp cold colours is swapped for sun-drenched Spain and as such, the doom-laden sense of cold isolation is somewhat muted. The sprawling forests and Lakeland is beautifully captured, however – the home owned by the bi-sexual vampire girls is stunning, but contains enough shadowy crypts and huge rooms to convince as a prison. It is here that they bring their unfortunate victims.Caroline Munro (about whom the DVD extras talk of as some kind of connection with the original film due to her work with Hammer – even though the original was not a Hammer film) is mysterious as a doom-mongering hotel owner. Her part is so sketchy however, that I didn't realise she was a hotel owner until the credits rolled. A red herring in fact, it is nevertheless nice to see her.The two vampire girls are every bit as stunning and sensual as the originals. Donning black capes in the daytime, they flit across barren roads and woodlands. Almudena León is despatched before the end (or so it seems), leaving her partner, the captivating Marta Flich to carry on the carnal activities alone – until the ending, anyway. Flich in particular is hugely memorable and seems ideally suited to such roles. Indeed, her striking features adorn much of the merchandising. And with good reason; she emerges as pretty much the star of the show.This is a worthwhile remake, if you consider remakes worthwhile. Matellano has updated the erotic scenes with style, and provided some nice gory moments. If it introduces the film to an audience who would otherwise not be familiar with 'Vampyres', then its existence, as an entertaining modern Euro-horror is more than justified.
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