R | 15 June 2010 (USA)
Unthinkable Trailers

The government gets wind of a plot to destroy America involving a trio of nuclear weapons for which the whereabouts are unknown. It's up to a seasoned interrogator and an FBI agent to find out exactly where the nukes are.


This is a tender, generous movie that likes its characters and presents them as real people, full of flaws and strengths.

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In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.

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Mathilde the Guild

Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.

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Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.

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This movie will have people screaming at the screen: Many will scream to the right of it and the rest will scream to the left. There is no middle ground on the subject. The fact that some enemies have no moral compass makes it difficult to justify our own. Watching, hearing and feeling this film is still no representation of the real battles taking place in the world. Evil exists. How would you deal with it? It the conflict hits your home how far are you willing to go to repel it?

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Altho I agree that Snakes on a Plane was a disaster and even Samuel couldn't save it, this movie is a totally different case. For me, this is maybe the best role that Samuel L. Jackson has played in a long time. Altho some of the scenes were filled with gore, the movie is a very good reality reminder.

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Good movie because it puts a moral dilemma in your face. We are all going to die this we know. But how and why plagues us all. The twist in this movie is it is before your time, you don't deserve it and there may be nothing you can do about it. That makes this movie a thriller! Why? Because some crazy people are up to no good. In this movie, it is the whole point and then some. The actors pull it off making you belief this is not an act thus good actors. The story holds and grips the viewer. I am reminded of what Israel does to bombers that go all out in the name of what they think is right and detonate themselves in public places killing as many as they can women, children, elderly etc. Israel, who cannot stop this, lets it be known that the bombers whole family will be arrested and of course their homes torn down in advance. What happens to their families before, during and afterwards is put on the bombers shoulders if they decide to go ahead. We hope this acts as a deterrence of some sort. Keyser Sose, the bad guy in The Usual Suspects movie had a similar mentality if you crossed him. Horrible thought isn't it? The whole thing of I harm you and you harm me is so perverse which is why they call it a no win and everyone loses. This movie captures that process and concept quite nicely and of course it brings out of the viewer raw feelings when it does. Edge of your seat, at times hard to process because of the viewers own personal thoughts being projected and added to the movie/story line thus upping the tension. Very effective as a wake-up call to reality in today's world. Just keep telling yourself its a movie and it is not real...or is it? Highly recommend sunflower seeds or you will nail bite. No cell phones or bathroom breaks either. Let the movie work you! It will

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UNTHINKABLE is a pretty interesting single location thriller about the efforts of a crack government team to get a terrorist to reveal the location of not one, not two, but three nuclear bombs which he has hidden in the USA. It's quite a gruelling viewing experience but one which works thanks to the high levels of suspense and a genuinely unforeseeable outcome.I tend to avoid films like this one as they're often self-consciously preachy in their attempts to tell a message. UNTHINKABLE does have something of an anti-American vibe going on, but it doesn't really affect the outcome of what is an efficient thriller. The person holding the film together is Samuel L. Jackson, who quite wonderfully gives one of those barnstorming, larger-than-life performances that we used to see back in the 1990s. Jackson reminds me of Gary Oldman a little: both are actors who came to fame with their angry performances, but who Hollywood have subdued in the last fifteen years or so. It's great to see the old fire back.The rest of the cast are all right, although not on Jackson's level. I don't like Michael Sheen very much and find him an odd choice to play the terrorist; I guess casting a genuine Arab actor in the role would have been too controversial. Carrie-Anne Moss does quite well as the protagonist although the straight role she plays is quite a boring one. Two character actors, Gil Bellows and Stephen Root, are both very good in smaller roles. There are some hard-hitting torture sequences in this film which I didn't see coming, and an against-the-clock climax which ratchets up the tension no end.

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