Tuck Everlasting
Tuck Everlasting
| 05 June 1981 (USA)
Tuck Everlasting Trailers

In turn-of-the-20th-century upstate New York, Winnie Foster, a 12-year-old girl, discovers a family living in the woods near her family's home who never ages thanks to a magical spring they drink from and she is entrusted to keep their secret and becomes involved in their lives.


Plot so thin, it passes unnoticed.

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Awesome Movie

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Am I Missing Something?

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One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.

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If you have ever had a dream in your life that you think "has to be real" this is a must see movie. It is a very quaint unassuming movie that will take you to a trance-like state at the ending, and leave you there forever. It is sad and happy at the same time. No matter how many past lives you have lived, this is the one that ended with integrity and a sense of yearning for those left behind. It takes the boundaries of "space/time" to an understandable level of enjoyment and acceptance but leaves a life stuck in eternity at a yearning standstill.aka: Snow Monkey

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Although it has changed some minor things of Natalie Babbit's book, this 1981 film version is a wonderful and very moving film. The acting is good, the simplicity of the locations does wonders. And it has my favorite music box tune of all times! The frog has become a turtle is this film, which is okay, too (the 2002 Disney film version almost shows no interest in the everlasting frog story!). It is an everlasting turtle and in the end, after Jesse has seen Winnie's grave, it walks down the road (while we audience see the end titles and hear the music box tune). That ending blew me away. A total 'A', or ten ********** stars.

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I also saw this movie - on TV here in Sweden, back in the 80:s - and all I can do is agree with what was said in the comment I read. The Disney version is OK, yes, but still nowhere near this one.This one is lovely, beautiful, romantic, dramatic, bittersweet... And there I'm at loss for words. Even more so, since English isn't my native language... <:) I loved it then - and misses it sooo much! Why isn't this one available on VHS or DVD??? I'd buy it in an instant! (I do own the Disney version and the book - but, oh, this is the version I really DO want!) For those of you who haven't yet seen this film/movie: If it's at all possible - do see it! If you have seen the Disney version and somehow are able to see this one also: Do! If you liked what Disney made of it, you wont be disappointed in this one. No way!Added: Now I own it! I do! And I'm happy as can be about it. I love this one. I do. Granted, it's not quite as I remember it. I think the opening scenes (the fair) takes too long time, but other than that it's lovely. And Paul Flessa - Jesse Tuck - is still ever so cute. ;)(Yeah, my taste has changed during these 20-some years, but apparently not when it comes to him.) Wonder whatever became of him and the other actors...

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This movie was nothing like the book. While the book was attention-grabbing and inspiring, the movie is cheesy and boring! Jesse falling off a ferris wheel? Did they even have ferris wheels back then? And unless Mae Tuck was attempting suicide, there is no way she could have cut her finger completely off just by cutting a damn piece of food! I couldn't even get the first 15 minutes before I literally fell asleep. If you can't fall asleep, this is a good movie, if you want entertainment, don't even think about this poor excuse for a movie.

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