| 01 May 1992 (USA)
Truckers Trailers

Truckers, the first of Terry Pratchett's novels to be adapted for TV brings to life the story of the Nomes. 15000 years ago the Nomes crashed to Earth in a scout ship from the starship Swan. Generations of them have come and gone with the passing years and the changing countryside. Suddenly faced with extinction, the ten surviving Nomes, guided by their reluctant leader Masklin, must face many exciting adventures during their search for a new home and hiding place in the big, bad world of the humans.


Lack of good storyline.

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Excellent, a Must See

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I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible

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Staci Frederick

Blistering performances.

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Gary Mumberson

I was 16 or 17 years old when this was first shown on telly. I remember at the time thinking, "Grow up man, you shouldn't be watching kids stuff!" But this is much much more than just 'kids stuff' this is pure magic, the sort of telly rarely (if ever!?) seen nowadays.Wonderful attention to detail, great voice cast, outstanding stop motion animation, intensely detailed and beautifully made costumes and sets, and to top it off, a great story set in a fantastically dark and archaic little world within a (human) world. This has drama, humour, horror, tension, action and thrills. Everything a kid (or big kid!) could possibly want.I'm 31 now and still think this is pure class. As much as I enjoy Wallace And Grommit and the like, this tops the lot! Criminally forgotten, and to add insult to injury this has NEVER been made available on DVD!? :( Scandalous I tell you! If you see it, buy it! Even if you have to buy a VHS recorder to view it. It really is that good ;)

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I was only 8 or so when Truckers was broadcast on telly. I'd read the book already and was looking forward to the TV show, but I'm sorry to say it wasnt as good as I thought it'd be. It was SO much better.This is an extremely faithful adaptation of Terry Pratchett's wonderful novel. They've captured the characters perfectly and it's impossible to imagine anyone but Debra Gillet as Grimma, the world's first feminist nome.I would recommend this to everyone. Kids will love the wondeful stop-motion animation, and many adults will get a kick out of Terry Pratchett's hilarious dialogue and his devilish humour

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