Trick or Treats
Trick or Treats
R | 29 October 1982 (USA)
Trick or Treats Trailers

A baby sitter is stuck watching over a young brat on Halloween night who keeps playing vicious pranks on her. To add to her trouble the boy's deranged father has escaped from an asylum and is planning on making a visit.

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One of the worst movies I've ever seen

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Abegail Noëlle

While it is a pity that the story wasn't told with more visual finesse, this is trivial compared to our real-world problems. It takes a good movie to put that into perspective.

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Crystal Gonzales

I'll give this was 3 because the topic summary was a good idea and kudos for getting Snodgress and Carradine to play some bit parts in it. This was so boring though!That's fine if they wanted to make a bad movie but, it could have been at least a little entertaining. It feels like they tried stretching it out almost as far as it could go. I kept looking at the time and wondering when this film would end.

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This is apparently one of two movies from the 1980's with this title, but don't be fooled by this title as this is incredibly boring, It took me a few attempts to watch this rubbish and I just couldn't get into it, the first time I switched off after about 20 minutes as I was bored and this went on again and again, until I finally caught the climatic ending, which wasn't all that to be honest.The movie starts off with a man being whisked away to a mental hospital by the orderlies, for some apparent reason and the wife had him committed, then a couple of years later he escapes and heads back home to take revenge on his wife, whose gone out to a dinner party with her new husband and the only ones there are his son and the babysitter.I did like the set up and the plot got me intrigued as it's similar to another movie that's one of my faves "Fright", but make no mistake this is nothing compared to that, as this fails to present any sort of tension whatsoever, instead the first hour of this is made up of the kid playing pranks on the babysitter, and despite the maniac lurking around and kills the odd person or two, it still doesn't deliver any scares or gore and I don't know whether this was meant to be a comedy horror of some sort, because some of the scenes are quite funny, it just doesn't seem settled on any sort of tone and despite some decent performances this still just doesn't deliver.All in all just don't bother with this, it's just full of tricks and no treats whatsoever and it's a pretty dull and lame effort for everyone involved.

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Its tag-line "when Halloween night stopped being fun" speaks volumes about this dreaded film because I can't really see anyone finding any enjoyment in watching this trash. I had never watched this film until now and to be honest never even heard anyone talk about it so I had absolutely no idea what I was getting myself into.The premise of the film is great with a perfect 80's VHS-cover a plot about an escaped mental patient about to seek vengeance on his family (not original but has worked before) and appearances by one of my favorite b-movie action-heroes David Carradine. But then I made the mistake of watching the actual movie and boy oh boy was I let down.The film starts of as a weird family drama and soon then later turns into some weird comedy about a boy playing pranks on his stupid babysitter. This goes on for an hour or something and when the horror actually starts you don't care and actually want the cast to get killed so the dreaded thing can be over with.The cast is set up of somewhat skilled actors but Gary Graver seems to have gone out of his way to create characters that nobody can like. The kid is an evil little brat that speaks with a freaky baby-voice, his mother is an egotistical and evil bitch and the babysitter seems to have the IQ of a donkey. To be honest the only lovable character in the whole film is the deranged father that's doing all the killings. Was this intentional or just poorly written? The only enjoyments one can get out of it is by watching it as a vigilante film and actually cheer for the killer as he gets back on society and the bastards who locked him up. But even then you'll probably spend half the movie hitting the fast forward button.

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This is the worst movie I have ever seen. The acting is horrible, the camera work is pathetic, script is laughable. Chris Graver shares the same name as that of the director. If they're related it might help explain how Chris got the part.It's a shame David Carradine ever got involved with something like this.I hope none of you ever get suckered into buying or renting this movie.

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