Treasure Guards
Treasure Guards
| 30 September 2011 (USA)
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On a dig in the remote Jordanian desert, maverick archaeologist Victoria Carter (Anna Friel) discovers an ancient scroll buried in the ruins of an old temple. It is encrypted with the location of the long lost Seal of Solomon, which, according to legend, was given to King Solomon by God himself. But this mighty treasure is also being sought by, amongst others, Victoria’s estranged father, renowned archaeologist Teddy Carter, who’s soon hot on its trail.


Stylish but barely mediocre overall

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Charming and brutal

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Sammy-Jo Cervantes

There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.

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Calum Hutton

It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...

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Not without its flaws mind. The pace does meander in the last half-hour or so which makes the ending not as exciting as it could have, the story does have instances where it could have been explained more and where there was a suspension of disbelief and Raoul Bova and Volker Bruch are rather stiff and could have enunciated their lines much more clearly. However for a made for TV movie(a label that is enough to make anybody dubious) this is decent stuff, a million times better than anticipated. The production values are good, there isn't anything flashy but at the same time there is nothing that leaps out as amateurish. The music has moments where it rouses and also where it's low-key, both characteristics used well and appropriately. The dialogue is smart and provokes thought, while generally the story is well-paced, not too predictable for a concept that isn't all that original admittedly and has its fair share of fun and thrills. There are definitely moments where you are reminded of past adventure films but nothing that feels like a rip-off. The characters are likable though the types of characters are familiar(to be honest though that was expected), and the acting is above average apart from Bova and Bruch. Anna Friel in fact is very believable in the lead role, and Andre Jacobs is a good father figure. David Sherwood is underused but also brings admirable support. All in all, a quite decent movie that was also a pleasant surprise, considering how many terrible made for TV movies there have been recently and how the concept was suggestive of a perhaps mildly entertaining but uninspired movie. 6/10 Bethany Cox

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Tony Heck

"What could be more devout then protecting the relics that God himself has revealed to man?" While on a dig archaeologist Victoria Carter discovers an ancient parchment that tells the location of the lost Seal Of Solomon with God gave to King Solomon. When word of this gets out more then just Victoria begin to search for it. The search becomes a battle between good and evil. I am a huge fan of movies like this. Indiana Jones, National Treasure and the Da Vinci Code movies are so much fun to watch over and over so I was looking forward to this. The beginning started off OK and made me interested. The longer the movie went on though it started to drag and lose me a little, the end was OK but really this wasn't as exciting and interesting as I was hoping for. I would compare this movie more to the Libraian series then the other big budget ones like this, but seeing as they are both TV movies you can't fault it for that. Overall, an OK movie on it's own as long as you don't compare it to the big budget ones. I give it a C+.

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David Love

Surprisingly watchable. Anna Friel (best thing to come out of Rochdale since Gracie Fields) is lovely as archaeologist Victoria Carter. Frankly if it hadn't been for her I wouldn't have stuck with it.Unfortunately she does eclipse her 'co-stars' Raoul Bova and Volker Bruch who are wooden and difficult to understand. Scenes with just the two of them are painful. And they do spoil the film.I actually thought David Sherwood was good as Professor Elgar but he doesn't pop up much, either in this film, or on film generally. Shame. Andre Jacobs, as her dad, does a good impersonation of Roger Moore. But we don't see much of him either. Until they all get together at the end.There's a bit of topless nudity early on (not Anna) and the whole thing sets off at a fair old pace as she discovers an ancient parchment that may reveal the location of the seal of Solomon.The plot wasn't easy to follow but the dialogue was believable, at least the bits I could understand. Not bad for a writer who cut her teeth on Eldorado! Anyone remember that? Anyway I'm going to be generous and give it a six.

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I was kinda bored yesterday so i decided to check out what was on TV and I came across this movie titled "Treasure Guards". Having not have heard about it i decided to give the movie a watch and it turned out to be surprisingly watchable.Even though the plot and twists and turns will remind you much about the many other adventure movies like National Treasure and Indiana Jones,the movie just manages to hold your attention to the last bit.The actors manage to give fair performances.The story is pretty decent even though some parts may seem unbelievable .Overall,a fun one time watch if you've got nothing to do on a lazy evening!

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