Tin God
Tin God
| 23 October 2012 (USA)
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Ethan is a young man searching for meaning in life and he thinks he has found what he is looking for in the new girl, Sasha. But Sasha has a dark side that will be his undoing.


That was an excellent one.

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There is just so much movie here. For some it may be too much. But in the same secretly sarcastic way most telemarketers say the phrase, the title of this one is particularly apt.

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Brendon Jones

It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.

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Mischa Redfern

I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.

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Tin God is an interesting indie film which benefits from mostly strong performances, especially from Whitney Duff as the enigmatic Sasha. It is somewhat hampered by a shoestring budget and less than ideal shooting location (it was filmed in a regional town), but if you can look past these elements it tells an interesting story about a handful of angst-filled young adults. Anyone who was melancholy in their early 20s will likely find something to relate to in these characters. Director Jake Reedy shows some promise and raw talent in his shot selection and generally does his best to conceal the tiny budget and quiet location and maintain the atmosphere. To his credit, the film possesses a strong noirish tone, with flawed characters coming into conflict during their grimy lives.

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I Loved this film.My personal belief is that Jake Reedy is the most interesting and stylish film auteur to emerge from the Queensland Independent scene in many a year. No one is pushing boundaries like he,and this film is a spot of stylized darkness in the heart of the sunshine state. He, along with Co writer Rachael McMeeking have created a wonderful lament to the self destructive nature of young love and obsession. Tin God is a world of nihilism, self loathing and broken people.Rather than a A to B story, This is an intensely brooding character study on Ethan, played to absolute perfection by master craftsman Tana Smith, a bubbling fountain of barely restrained psychosis, a similarly self obsessed, but much more rageful character to Sean Bateman from the amazing Rules of Attraction, of which Tin God shares much in the portrayal of it's broken, flawed dramatis personae. Orbiting the emotional black hole that is Ethan is his step brother Jesse, played with a sly wit by the amazing Benjamin James Doolan, whose performance fills Jesse with a likable loathsomeness, relishing the cheek of his character and playing it with a stark honesty to Ethan's self deluded nature. In the closing moments, this is the tragedy we are keenly aware of: That Jesse has been honest with Ethan the entire time, like the friend who tells you the truth you do not want to hear. Enabling Ethan is Joey Kingman as Cassie. Kingman's performance is so subtle and nuanced that it seems to not fit with the others, which i believe is it's strength. Through Cassie, Kingman shows us that she does not fit in with these dark, crumbling souls, and that her character is a path to redemption that is ultimately a casualty of the cycle of destruction Ethan locks himself in.Whitney Duff as the heat breaking Sasha is not the cause of all this, but the match that starts the inferno. Duff is electric as Sasha, The girl you know is bad, yet Duff fills her full of a melancholic sadness that is like the first drops of rain upon an empty beach. Amazing acting.One thing I adored worthy of note was the costume design. Avoiding the usual traps, There was obviously a lot of thought put into the characters wardrobe; Ethan seems to primarily be attired in black and white for most of the film, reflecting his characters world view, Sasha is the type of punk rock girl absent from Australian cinema, Jesse is in blues and blacks, reflecting the laid back nature of his character. Cassie is very warm and inviting. And the Halloween party was a visual feast of costume, particularly with Cassie and Jesse.The lighting! What an achievement Reedy has pulled together under such adverse circumstances. The lighting and camera work are the signs of true talent, to infuse such style on such a limited budget shows the true creativity of this director. This is true cinema veritae in action, to bring the elements of what could be akin to the style of 'found footage' films, marrying it with the neo noir stylings of Sin City and Mann's Miami Vice and blend it with the dreary undertones and high drama of films such as Best Laid Plans, Gossip or Body Shots.Over all, the true cold heart of Tin God is the uncompromising reality. The language, the nudity, all ring true. A great film from a director and cast who will go places. I have rented twice, And I will be buying this art-house gem and urge you to do the same!

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Micheal Boone

A good attempt from first time director Jake Reedy. Vision and talent are there, execution not quite so much. An attention getting intro is quickly undone by long, tedious scenes of Tana Smith's Ethan moping around, making sympathy for such a self absorbed character hard to muster; Things pick up when Whitney Duff's Sasha is introduced, mainly due to her ability to hold the screen. Smith and Duff have great chemistry,which Reedy uses in his favor to play their blossoming relationship with all the hotblooded tension of young lust.More of Ethan being emo. In fact, Ethan may be the lead, but his screen time is almost detrimental to the other characters. Both Sasha and Benjamin James Doolan's Jesse are interesting characters, but never seem to be lavished with enough character moments to flesh them out. The few they do have are quite well done, such as Sasha's self loathing shower scene and Jesse's post coital confession, but there's only so many moody moments of Ethan sulking in his bedroom we can stand.Around the halfway point, Tin God does pick and hit the gas, with some great scenes between Ethan and Sasha, Ethan and Jesse, the neo doco/noir/grunge style really begins to work and it limps toward being a solid film. The music works with the camera to build mood and the film focuses on it's 3 leads. It's just a shame you have to suffer through the dawdling first half to get to the goods. Had the fat been trimmed from the start, this would have been a very solid film, but long, pointlessly moody scenes of nothing mixed with pointless characters ;I am still wondering what the point of Ethans friend Cas was; and dull 'character' scenes makes for an uneven film. One must wonder if Reedy slept through the first half of the edit, and awoke to put together a stylish final act. On the whole, better than some Independent fare Queensland film producers have thrown at us, but still not quite there. Shows potential which could improve with experience

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I don't know why more people haven't seen this movie! I loved it so much i watched it 3 times before i had to return it to the store. The ending was like a punch in the guts, it was really powerful.The acting was really good and the camera work was wicked cool with how grungy it made everything.I really related to Ethan as a character and i reckon lots of guys will cause we all know girls like Sasha who are really screwed up but you can't help but think you love them anyways.I thought Jesse was really cool, he had some wicked funny lines in the movie. And the actress who played Sasha was mega, mega hot hot.I liked how everything in the movie looked real and everything, like the fights and stuff and when Cassie got killed I had to re watch it cause it looked so awesomely realistic.This movie is just wicked and more people should see it, it's got hot chicks and cool guys and a rocking soundtrack and it really relates to being a guy and being screwed up by being in love with the wrong girl.I give it a 7, but I hope that when the version to buy comes out it's got lots of special features and music videos, then it would be a 10, because I will definitely buy this movie!

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