The Violent Enemy
The Violent Enemy
| 01 May 1967 (USA)
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During the troubles in Ireland an IRA bomb plot is hatched to blow up a British power station. Sean Rogan (Tom Bell) is an IRA bomb expert and escapes from prison to try and stop the destruction.


The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful

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It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.

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The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.

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Great movie. Not sure what people expected but I found it highly entertaining.

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With its limited production values,flat direction and uninspired acting this looks more like an extended piece of TV docu drama.Tom Bell is told at the beginning that he has lost his remission by another prisoner and actually believes him.he is thus goaded into one of the simplest prison breaks ever put on screen.Almost one jump and he's free.He is taken to the Republic of Ireland where he meets the IRA gang that sprung him.There in the pub we meet up with the landlord ,the marvelous Noel Purcell,who is the only reason to continue to watch this film.Bell is cajoled into bombing a local factory in a symbolic move.However he is angry when he finds out that he was lied to about his remission and that if he had waited he would have been released in two months.He has had enough of violence,particularly when he finds out that the gang have committed a robbery.He helps the police to round up the gang.Best watched with the fast forward on.

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