The Vampires' Night Orgy
The Vampires' Night Orgy
R | 01 September 1974 (USA)
The Vampires' Night Orgy Trailers

A busload of tourists stops in to visit a small European town. What they don't know is that the town is completely inhabited by vampires.


Stylish but barely mediocre overall

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disgusting, overrated, pointless

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Clever and entertaining enough to recommend even to members of the 1%

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Brendon Jones

It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.

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Rule of thumb: if the village you're heading toward appears on no maps, don't go there! No good can possibly come of it. For example, if you're like this busload of tourists marooned in the Italian village of Tonia, the entire populace could be vampires—even the old guy with no teeth.As far as low-budget Italian horror films go, THE VAMPIRES' NIGHT ORGY is neither terribly good nor bad. I'm only reviewing it because certain things about this one really bugged me. Forsooth (but not too forsooth):The jazz score was completely out of place. It would have been more fitting on a TV cop show like "Mannix."The young daughter of one of the tourists is befriended by a mysterious little boy who can vanish and reappear at will. The film never explains who that kid is, or why he hangs out in a village of vampires. The boy inadvertently suffocates the little girl, buries her body in the graveyard, and watches in mirthful delight as the girl's mother digs up her child's corpse and drags it away. I don't know how this kid is germane to the plot, but I do know this: I don't like him!The not-infrequent continuity errors--especially toward the end, when the two surviving tourists flee the village in a car. At first, both headlights are on; but a jump-cut later, one is burnt out. Another jump cut, and the headlights are both off. Jump cut again, and both lights are back on. Mind you, this all happens in just a few seconds, while the car is moving quite fast. There's also a scene inside the vehicle in which it is daylight when the camera points toward the windshield, but nighttime when it points out the rear window. (It's supposed to be midnight.)So, there you have it: THE VAMPIRES' NIGHT ORGY, the film version of the creepy-looking guy who sits on a park bench all day but never really bothers anyone.

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"Cannibalistic vampires who eat their guests...and, feed their guests (and, their own villagers), to guests...and, who live in a long-gone, archaic town that 'pops-up' every so often!" "WHAT!?!?"This is one of those very good and quite disturbing European horror movies made in Spain/Italy (and, sometimes in Portugal) in the late-1960s-early-1970s that became a drive-in staple, and, cult-classic! Others are "Mark of the Devil;" "Tombs of the Blind Dead;" "The Hanging Woman;" "The House on Haunted Hill;" "Horror of the Zombies;" "House of Psychotic Women;" etc...and, all of those 'Hammer' horror greats! Let us not forget the forgotten 1966 William Shatner Esperanto classic "Incubus!"The Europeans really know how to set-the-stage for a fantastically-scary horror film...but, they should...they invented 'The Dark Ages' and 'The Inquisition;' and, their ancestors lived through or died in these (some of my own ancestors surely did, too). They're the 'best' for creepy-old settings; eerie-old castles and buildings; and, adding some 'real' history to old myths and producing great horror films! :)In the day, these movies were probably looked-upon by adults as 'silly'...but, we horror-fan kids (now, horror-fan adults who're older than our parents were back then), looked upon them as "AWESOME!" I still do! I suppose I never grew up!?!?I saw this movie at the Memorial Drive-In in West Springfield, Massachusetts, during a 'Dusk-Till-Dawn' movie marathon in the 1970s when I was a kid; and, it made such a creepy impression upon me that I found it later on VHS as a young adult. Now, in my late forties, I still enjoy watching this now and again (especially with my Son who loves horror movies - imagine that!?!?)'s actually a very good movie!NOTE - it's no small wonder that this movie is being rated so low on IMDb since many of the people doing the rating are expecting a 'sexual' orgy!?!? In this case, "orgy" means 'any actions or proceedings marked by unbridled indulgence of passions - an orgy of killing.'This movie means a lot to me because I saw it as a child of seven or 8, with my Dad (RIP), and, because of that, I like to reminisce about my childhood because it was a great childhood. Movies like this/these; horror comics; and, "Fangoria" and "Creepshow" magazine; were a big part of my (and, my friends') childhood in our tweens and teens.If you're a horror-movie fan and haven't seen this, or, any I've listed, please do...and, if you have any suggestions for old horror movies, please, let me know. I've seen a lot of horror movies, probably more than most people, but, I know that I haven't seen them all.This is very good, and, I give it EIGHT STARS! :)

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Ben Larson

The biggest hook for this movie is the opportunity to see Dyanik Zurakowska.Directed by León Klimovsky, who did two of Paul Naschy's werewolf films, the film includes many horror veterans in the cast.Now, if you tourist bus breaks down, and the town where you are stranded offers to put you up for free, and gives you spending money to boot, you might do well to head out on your feet very fast. While you are enjoying your meal, others are planning to have a feast later on.There were a few funny spots - the finger, for one. The ending was baffling and totally unsatisfying.

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Joseph Brando

When it come to these 1960's and 70's Euro horror films where a busload of tourists wind up stranded in a creepy Gothic setting, I am usually right along for the ride. However, this incoherent sleazefest is a blurry confusing mess. There are so many events that happen without any rhyme or reason - and characters who appear and then disappear without any explanation. This particular group of tourists are arriving to some town or estate, each to do a different job (a tutor, a groundskeeper etc...). While en route, the bus driver inexplicably has some sort of attack and drops dead behind the wheel, leaving the tourists to drive the bus, with his dead body on board, to the next closest town. None of the passengers seem too disturbed by the events, save for one pretty lady who asks a fellow passenger for a cigarette to calm her nerves.Anyway, they wind up at a town where the vampire residents mysteriously all disappear sometimes at night and sometimes during the day. But they mostly only attack at night. There is also a ghost boy who appears and disappears, to only a young girl, who may or may not be a vampire himself. The town is run by "The Countess" played by one of my favorite Euro- horror actresses, Helga Line. But even she cannot save this film with her very few on screen appearances. Helga is not the icy vixen in this movie that we have come to love in so many cult classics (Horror Rises From The Tomb, Nightmare Castle, Blancheville Monster etc...). Her hair is softer, her makeup is softer, and her usual subtle yet powerful facial expressions are replaced by boring, typical, uninspired vampire hissing and grinning. Add to all this some pretty bad acting, terrible dubbing, sloppy edits, and an atrocious soundtrack that sounds more like it was made for one of those goofy British 60's sex-comedies than a Gothic horror film - mix them all together and you have the sloppy "Vampires Night Orgy". I can only recommend this to extremist fans of Euro-horror - but there are many, many better films that you could and should watch before this one.

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