The Three Weird Sisters
The Three Weird Sisters
| 26 February 1948 (USA)
The Three Weird Sisters Trailers

Three older sisters live on their family estate in Wales. This household once proudly reigned over a mining town, but the mines dried up and the estate and the town have fallen on hard times. When the land crumbles and a number of homes in the town are destroyed the sisters promise to rebuild the homes.


Absolutely amazing

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I have absolutely never seen anything like this movie before. You have to see this movie.

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Matylda Swan

It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties.

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Abegail Noëlle

While it is a pity that the story wasn't told with more visual finesse, this is trivial compared to our real-world problems. It takes a good movie to put that into perspective.

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This appears like a black comedy, but it is actually a masked tragedy. The male protagonist, the sickly David Davies, who instantly gets bedridden and stays so as soon as he gets into the weird old house of his three sisters, should have been played by Charles Laughton, as the character is very much in his line. The three sisters are extreme characters all three of them, one deaf, one blind and the third one oversensitive to anything, which is a weird company indeed. Their brother instantly believes they are going to kill him, and they would indeed be motivated.The actual story is, that the derelict small mining town is hit by an earthquake demolishing many houses, and the three sisters as guardian angels and benefactors of the town promise to sponsor their restoration. The problem is they can't afford it, while their brother is a rich industrial baron, so they summon him to help them. He has no intention of doing so and thus leave his three sisters in an awkward position, which they can't accept.He has a secretary, Nova Pilbeam, who is his ony support in the gradually more serious intrigues conducted against him, and she is always lovely to look at. The film peters out in a genetral derailing of the intrigue, and the end is not satisfactory. You would have wished the three weird sisters to go on undisturbed. The main asset and attraction of the film is that parts of the script were written by Dylan Thomas, which makes the dialogue at times extremely relishable.

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I counted in all no less than 6 separate attempts to kill Nova Pilbeam and Raymond Lovell.This rather resembles a Welsh Adams family or the downside of Arsenic and Old Lace.Towards the end it just becomes too laughable to take seriously.Nova Pilbeam fainting away at the sight of the three stern faced sisters.Then the sisters hauling about the furniture and breaking down walls so that they could fix Nova one last time.I have only seen this film once before,many years ago at the BFI Southbank and the ending has stayed with me ever since.So I think that you could say that it is fairly memorable.This was one of a number of rather exotic films that came out after the end of the war.All that repressed emotion no doubt.

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Three older sisters live on their family estate in Wales. This household once proudly reigned over a mining town, but the mines dried up and the estate and the town have fallen on hard times. When the land crumbles and a number of homes in the town are destroyed the sisters promise to rebuild the homes.The sisters refuse to accept the reality of the situation, that being they have no money. They all live in the past when their name and wealth was foremost in the community. A half brother is a businessman who works in London. He is asked to travel to Wales and pay for the restoration of the town. When he refuses, weird strange events start happening and the half brother's life is in peril. Are the sisters trying to murder their half brother to get their hands on his money? His secretary believes this to be true, but the locals refuse to believe her.

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!948 might have been a tad too late for this Poe-faced Gothic outing just as the poetry masquerading as dialogue and penned by Dylan Thomas was a tad out of keeping with realistic speech. Thomas tips his symbolic glove in an early scene when a collapsing mine triggers falling plaster and cracks in the walls of the 'big house' in the mining village, which is home to the eponymous sisters, who pledge to rebuild the homes in the mining village destroyed by the collapse. They make this pledge despite not having change of a match but (so they think) secure in the knowledge that their half brother (Raymond Lovell), who long ago left the village and became a successful businessman, will underwrite the repairs. Lovell decides to mark their card and journeys to Wales with his secretary, Nova Pilbeam, and anticipates Ann Robinson by a good 50 years with the question, 'is this hell, or Wales'. Once ensconced in the house he begins to resemble Bob Hope in The Cat And The Canary with the three sisters blending into Gale Sondergaard. I can't think of a single reason why you would want to watch this but then what do I know.

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