The Strange Color of Your Body's Tears
The Strange Color of Your Body's Tears
| 12 August 2013 (USA)
The Strange Color of Your Body's Tears Trailers

A woman vanishes. Her husband inquires into the strange circumstances of her disappearance. Did she leave him? Is she dead? As he goes along searching, he plunges into a world of nightmare and violence...

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I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much

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Slow pace in the most part of the movie.

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Best movie ever!

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It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional

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Returning from a business trip to find his wife gone but their apartment locked from the inside, a middle aged man investigates matters himself when labeled as the prime suspect in this mystery thriller that is more offbeat than it sounds. The man's amateur sleuthing leads him to conversing with his some of his apartment complex neighbours for the first time, none of whom seem normal, and as the film progresses, it is revealed that apartment complex has labyrinthine hidden walls and passageways that may hold clues. Some have interpreted the film as metaphorical with the condominium representing a disturbed mind, but the film works fine as a straight mystery too. That said, it is deliberately paced and full of bizarre imagery, including kaleidoscopic shots and fancy edits galore. At times, the film feels showy, like a canvas for the filmmakers to experiment rather than tell a story, and some images (the girl giving out candy) seem utterly random. And yet, it is hard not to admire the finesse put into all the graphic (and non-graphic) match editing, like the protagonist drinking cut against a hypnotic wheel. There is also an amazing bit in which his face is spliced against a detective's in split screen, giving the initial appearance of one whole face. The film is quite an assault on the senses if nothing else - which seems only appropriate to reflect the stress and agony of a man searching for his wife while under police suspicion himself. The title, for what it's worth, seems to be a reference to gushing blood; what sort of blood in particular is only revealed at the end.

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Certainly in the spirit of giallo but with the soul of Kafka. No simple narrative flow, not even a regular narrative structure, this visual and aural treat is not the simplest of watches. Always beautiful with continuous references to stained glass, art nouveau, eyes, knives and bared and bleeding flesh, the music and effects are also alluring, evocative and disturbing. A man returns from a business trip to find he cannot find his wife ( Edwige, nudge nudge aficionados! ) and that's about it, unless you count the wondrous building in which the film takes place or the spaces behind the walls. The directing duo are clearly fascinated by the Italian genre films of the 60s and early 70s and deliver up the most sumptuous offering, its just that, not unreasonably, they are less interested in the story lines but more in the more primal elements that go into even the lesser giallo. They love the colours, the sounds, the wide eyed screams and the trickling blood. The confused participants who know not whether they are mad or even dead, cannot help but draw us in to this manic mayhem and those of us who, similarly enjoy this craziness, can only applaud and breathe a sigh of relief we got out alive.

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Kyle Gnarly

I find myself a bit baffled that so many reviewers chalk this up to artistic nonsense. The best way to approach this film remains simple: this is a throwback to the trippy days of giallo film, with a very, very attentive approach to more than just blood, guts, and gore on the screen. Sure, the audience will easily be able to identify the simplest features from the genre in and of itself--the obsession with eyes, the black leather gloves, the obscene colors for effect--but this gem really includes so much more. This film makes you think. It challenges your preconceived notions of traditional, and let's call it what it is, boring storytelling; in fact, the story itself refuses to follow a linear path, which may cause those that refuse to step outside of their comfort zone a bit of anxiety--then again, that's wonderful, because it's nearly impossible to not feel anxious during this presentation. This film refuses to tiptoe on the wild side like so many others do/did/will continue to do with the thriller genre, and you really must go into this experience knowing you'll be back for more.I remember seeing the directors' entry into the ABCs of Death and found myself infatuated with the cinematography. This film only furthers my appreciation for their contribution to our craft. Pair this with the attention to sound, musically and via effects, and, well, you have The Strange Color of Your Body's Tears.Many of the scenes throughout the film require a second viewing; in fact, I found myself personally stopping the film on multiple occasions to watch given scenes over and over again. The use of color throughout, paired with the fantastic angles and lighting, really does bring on back to the days when Argento reigned supreme. That being said, and the reason this cannot be a full-on 10/10, simply boils down to the directors doing a bit too much in such a short span of time, but I just so happen to enjoy the obscene imagery. I've already recommended this film to practically everyone that I know, and I genuinely suggest you give this one a shot. Any film that I feel Kubrick would even wonder what's going on is solid in my book. Grab a glass of wine, maybe two, after you've seen the opening 10 minutes, and just enjoy yourself. This is what true film is all about. Some will chalk this up to the artsy nonsense that they personally do not enjoy, but I can and continually will stand by this film for breaking from the traditional mold and reinventing the thriller genre in my eyes. The colors, folks... The colors...

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Unfortunately, I absolutely hate films that are all style over substance. I find them tedious, a chore to sit through and the polar opposite of entertaining. THE STRANGE COLOUR OF YOUR BODY'S TEARS, a tribute of sorts to the Italian gialli of the 1970s and in particular the work of Dario Argento, is one such film and something I really struggled to sit through.The basic plot sees a husband searching for his missing wife in his apartment complex, and there's literally nothing more to it than that. The filmmakers use this as an excuse to fit together dozens of arty shots of people being sliced, stabbed and some more surreal set-pieces. There's an unpleasant sexual side to the proceedings at times while in other places it's frankly dull.The cast is nothing to write home about but the film is indeed beautiful to look at; the camera-work is very good and sometimes stunning, but I always find the look of a film comes second to the plotting which is why I couldn't enjoy this. If these arty bits had been interspersed with a more solid narrative and some real storytelling then I might have liked this; as it stands, I hated it. Your mileage may vary.

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