100 Tears
100 Tears
NC-17 | 23 June 2007 (USA)
100 Tears Trailers

After being accused of crimes he did not commit, a lonely circus performer exacts his revenge on those who unjustly condemned him. The act sparks something inside of him which he cannot stop and now, years later, his inner-demons have truly surfaced. Part urban legend, part tabloid sensationalism... he is now an unstoppable murderous juggernaut, fueled only by hate.


Purely Joyful Movie!

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Absolutely brilliant

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if their story seems completely bonkers, almost like a feverish work of fiction, you ain't heard nothing yet.

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The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.

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"100 Tears" is a suitably dingy and sickening slasher flick, which at an estimated budget of about $75k, is at least a wonder of frugality.Yes, $75,000 can pay for gallons of blood, viscera, and artificial limbs.What money cannot buy, however, is a decent story, something you either have or you don't. Or characters. Or perhaps, even cohesive direction, which may be an innate gift some have and some don't.The story - not that anyone cares about story in a movie like this - is about a serial killer clown and two obnoxious reporters, one of whom looks like Alex Jones, who track him down where the police have failed because they know how to use a computer and the police don't.The introduction of the clown, shockingly violent though it may be, is handled so witlessly by the filmmaker that it is hopelessly undercut. We see one of the reporters looking at a computer screen and talking about a serial killer on the loose, and then the movie cuts straight to a series of brutal killings by our Bozo. The way this is shot makes it look like the reporter is watching the killings unfold on the computer monitor. They aren't. Some fairly cursory editing could have achieved the effect of having us realise we are witnessing the murders the reporter is describing. This would have provided a sense of mounting dread as we are let into information the reporter doesn't know, and we know they probably wouldn't try to chase up the story if they know what we now know. Get it?Instead of quick cutting from the description of the acts to the violent crimes, as the filmmakers obviously should have done, we get a lengthy scene introducing 'characters' who exist only so that they can be killed, and their introduction grinding the film to a halt - a halt it finally comes to at around one hour into the proceedings, where I was so bored I mostly stopped paying attention.I have put more effort into writing this review than the screenwriters did in writing the movie. But, yes, they really went to town on the gore. One early scene shows a person's head split multiple times by Bozo's big meat cleaver, until the head looks like a pinecone. If you're after sickening, over-the-top gore produced on a microbudget, I guess you already know where to look. Just don't expect anything else.I would like to add, however, that the bad-guy, Gurdy the Clown, is actually scary. Much more so than almost any other slasher villain in any movie made for over one hundred times the budget that this one was made for.

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You have to understand something, and get this straight in your noggin...just because a movie was made doesn't mean that the crew knew what they were doing when they made it. Period! This is the case with 100 Tears, which is so horribly bad and awful, that you have to love or laugh at the fact that at least they tried to make a slasher movie with twice the body count as your average slasher flick. Body count? Over 30, check! The rest of the movie? Overlook the bad lighting, cruddy story line, bad casting, horrible choreography, and endless line of errors with the film, and you're in for a lot of fun! We got a demented clown on the loose, and he likes to go around swinging his giant meat cleaver at various parts of the body. Heads are cut vertically and horizontally in half, guts are spilled, and gallons of blood is shed. Now, you don't have to watch this. Personally, I would question the sanity of any one who would want to sit through this shart of a movie. It should satisfy gorehounds, but that's about it. What doesn't work, however, is the nutty azz investigation with the detectives, and for three reasons. Reason 1: No detective would go after a bloodthirsty clown with a weapon like that. Let the FBI deal with this matter, you just stick with the crime lab. Reason 2: No detective would investigate a crazed clown without a weapon of their choice, which is the case with these goons. So if your expecting a shoot out at the end, you will be disappointed. ( You'll be disappointed by the ending anyway, trust me.) Reason 3: It's barely even an investigation! There's no forensics, nothing! Detectives are so useless, I'd lay them off, at least that way, they would be safe from this lunatic clown that makes IT look like a Disney Jr character. So, if you want to be branded for life, have at it with this goofy horror flick. But, I will say again, don't say you weren't warned about the ending. ( As far as the beginning, you won't have to wait long for the blood to spill.)

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A huge creepy looking clown Gurdy walks through a halfway house and systematically slaughters at least a dozen people with meatcleaver.The gore flows freely in the first 15 minutes.Two reporters Mark and Jennifer are investigating the legendary 'Teardrop Killer',who's been butchering unsuspecting groups of victims for 20 plus years."100 Tears" is among the goriest indie slasher movies I have ever seen.I must say that the bodycount is truly high and the killings are over-the-top including several juicy decapitations and dismemberments.The techno score is annoying,the acting is mediocre and the climax is abrupt,but if you enjoy drowning in the sea of blood and guts "100 Tears" can't be missed.7 out of 10.

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Masked Superstar Mr. X

This horror film surprised me, because I'm not big on clowns so I wasn't sure how enjoyable it would be for me. But, after just watching the beginning with all the killings Gurdy the Clown (Jack Amos) did I knew it was going to be a great film. Which it was! Jack Amos portrayed the character of Gurdy the Clown very well. Raine Brown plays Christine Greaston. Raine did a great job in playing her character who at times gets a little crazy. Both of them are a lot of fun to watch and follow as they create tons of carnage throughout the movie! I think the beautiful Georgia Chris was cast well for her role too.I would not say this film is slow paced like some have mentioned. In fact, I would say it is perfectly paced and with a lot of action. They really pack a lot of killings through out the film. That's where FX expert and director Marcus Koch comes into play. Marcus is an FX specialist and does a great job with the killings, they look very realistic. I think this is what helps separate this film from other Independent horror films. I enjoyed the story which was written by Joe Davison. Overall a very well put together film.

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