The Sticky Fingers of Time
The Sticky Fingers of Time
| 09 September 1998 (USA)
The Sticky Fingers of Time Trailers

A sci-fi novelist in 1950s Brooklyn suddenly finds herself transported 40 years into the future. She quickly learns that she isn’t the only “timefreak,” and that her time may already be up.


Most undeservingly overhyped movie of all time??

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It's hard to see any effort in the film. There's no comedy to speak of, no real drama and, worst of all.

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Portia Hilton

Blistering performances.

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There's a more than satisfactory amount of boom-boom in the movie's trim running time.

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I just bought this on DVD and I totally don't get the comment by Total Film, that is supposed to hook you on. A "Lesbian 'Pi'-like sci-fi flick" totally does not capture the essence of this movie. If anything, these women are bi-sexual but it has absolutely nothing to do with the movie.SPOILER AHEAD: It is a low-budget film, but the only time I was disturbed by that, was Ophelia's "tail". It's also not about the science - in fact - I don't believe any concept of time-travel myself. If you just assume the theory, than this movie has a nice way of portraying the chaos a human-being would be confronted with and with all the twists in the timeline, in the end you feel like it has come full circle. However - when you think about it, it presents the same paradox that plagues any time-travel concept: it couldn't have happened to begin with, but to end like that it needed to have happened.I also agree with Michael Bennet Cone, about the way the women are portraid here and I really dig Isaac's "Oh well, I'm in this s*** somehow somewhere and I think I get it, but at least let's have some fun" attitude. All in all, it kept me interested to the very end.

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Started out fairly interesting, but at about 15 minutes into the film, a case of the low-budgets kicked in and killed the movie. I have nothing against low budgets, mind you, but you must have an interesting story, or characters you can care about in order to get really involved in a film. "El Mariachi" is a good example of what you can do with an ultra-low budget and still make a film that engages the audience.Woeful acting and editing took me completely out of this film and made me acutely aware that I was watching a low-budget piece of garbage. A silly, nonsensical, "since-it's-science-fiction-I-can-say-whatever-stupid-mumbo-jumbo-I-want-an d-you-have-to-accept-it" story line was the capper on this crapper.

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Michael Bennett Cohn

I can't say enough good things about this movie. Clever, well-acted, well-written, and constructed with an intricacy and a clarity that just blows me away. This movie is just plain solidly good.Having said that, I'm amused by the critics I've read who make comments re this film to the effect of "Finally, a sci-fi movie directed exclusively at women!" I'm all for sci-fi directed at women. But let me tell you, as a hetero male sci-fi geek, I have no problem at all settling down to watch a story about time-traveling lesbians. Are you kidding? What is perhaps a bit more unusual in sci-fi is the portrayal of realistic, three-dimensional female characters, and the very natural, and, I'll say it, feminine way that they deal with the bizarre events that befall them. Particularly in genre movies, faux-feminist "strong women" are often depicted as essentially men in female bodies. The central characters in this film are strong people (well, one of them becomes strong) and it has nothing to do with gender inversion, or reversal, or some sort of overthrow of the male paradigm. Or, if that stuff is in there, it's buried deep enough that I didn't feel beat over the head with it.The world would be a better place if the marketing machine was put to use convincing people to see movies like this instead of, to take some recent examples, Pearl Harbor and Planet of the Apes. The Sticky Fingers of Time made me feel better about being alive. I want the poster. Bravo.

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I'd highly recommend this for noir fans--a great twist on the genre, with its additions of time-travel and backwards-to-forwards plotline and lesbianism. The first scene, naturally, makes you say, "How'd that happen?" and the rest of the story is how you saw what you saw in the first minute. Shows "12 Monkeys" what it could have been if it had had any guts at all.

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