The Soul Snatcher
The Soul Snatcher
| 01 January 1965 (USA)
The Soul Snatcher Trailers

The Soul Snatcher short film


Excellent, a Must See

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Brendon Jones

It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.

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The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.

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One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.

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The Soul Snatcher (1965) BOMB (out of 4)Kathy (Diane Webster) is an aspiring model who just can't seem to catch a break. She feels even worse when her two roommates have to cover the bills that she can't afford. However, Kathy seems to think she's gotten the break she's been looking for when a weird looking man offers her a great bargain, or at least she thinks.Here's a 60's softcore version of that classic theme whether you'd sell your soul to the Devil in exchange for all your dreams. THE SOUL SNATCHER was saved by Something Weird Video who released a shortened version of it on their ASYLUM OF SATAN disc but the version I'm watching is the complete 69-minute one. This here can be ordered directly from SWV but it's recommended that you only do that if you want to watch the worst thing they've ever released.Yes folks, I know saying this is the worst thing Something Weird Video has ever released is a rather strong statement. Perhaps it's not even fair since I obviously haven't seen everything in their vaults but I have watched at least a couple hundred of their features and I honestly can't think of anything worse. The film was shot without sound, which was normal so we've got Joel Holt (the one and only) doing the narration and he pretty much reads to us everything we're seeing.He also helps explain what's going on, which is a good thing because the film itself has very little of anything. The performances are all rather silly. There's no comedy. No drama. Weak horror elements. Even as a sexploitation picture this thing is downright awful on every level. There honestly wasn't a single thing here that I could say a nice thing about. Technically it's as flat as you can get and the list of badness could just go on and on.THE SOUL SNATCHER sadly never makes it to the "so bad it's good" level of camp. With that said, the film is so darn awful that some might want to check it out just to see how bad it is.

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Aspiring model Kathy (pretty brunette Diane Webster) can't seem to get a break. The tide finally turns in her favor after Kathy meets the devil, who gives Kathy a pair of magical golden shoes that enable Kathy to achieve her goal of becoming a famous and successful model. However, said deal with the devils comes at a significant spiritual price.Flatly directed by H.L. Zimmer, with a plodding pace, droning wall to wall narration (the absence of any dialogue and natural sound is quite jarring and irritating), an annoying slushy score, equally obnoxious overdone acting, way too much tedious exposition, rough hand-held cinematography, and a lame "surprise" ending that can be seen from a mile away, this meandering 30-minute short proves to be an absolute chore to endure. The awesomely pulchritudinous presence of always welcome 60's soft-core cinema staple Darlene Bennett proves to be the sole worthwhile thing in this otherwise extremely dull and forgettable clunker.

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**SPOILERS AHEAD!!** Cathy is trying to get a job as a model and is constantly being turned down. She has two roommates and feels guilty that she can't pay her share of the rent. Then, at a party, the Devil appears to her (no I'm not kidding). He gives her a pair of golden shoes to wear and says she will be popular and have a great life if she wears them. She does and everything goes fantastic...but is this what she wants?The whole thing is narrated (I assume the audio track was lost) and there's plenty of hilariously inappropriate music. The acting is pretty bad, there's a fairly interesting strip tease (but all in a PG-13 way) and an ending that doesn't make a bit of sense. It's not good, but it's one of those rare films that are so bad they're actually pretty fun to watch. Worth seeing for laughs. See if you can guess out what the ending is trying to tell us. A 1 all the way.

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The story behind this oddity is probably infinitely more entertaining than the movie short itself. The 30 minute story is told entirely in narration. It seems like a strange choice and my guess is that the audio portion of this short was lost. The actors' mouths move and it appears to have been filmed in such a way that it was not intended to be narrated.Anyway, it probably doesn't much matter. I'm sure it would have been just as awful with actual dialogue.Kathy is a young woman trying to be a model. She's not all that attractive and she can't find a job. She feels bad that she can't help her roommates pay rent. One day, some strange guy has her put on a pair of gold shoes. Kathy instantly becomes very popular and no longer has to worry about her finances. The catch? *Possible spoiler* The guy turns out to be the devil and he quickly ends up claiming ownership of Kathy's immortal soul.Why did anyone spend their time and money creating this? Um...I dunno. Pointless and boring. 1/10

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