The Singing Forest
The Singing Forest
NR | 12 October 2003 (USA)
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A tragic tale of two lovers from the holocaust. Fate tore them apart, destiny brought them together.


Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.

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Ariella Broughton

It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.

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Lachlan Coulson

This is a gorgeous movie made by a gorgeous spirit.

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Scotty Burke

It is interesting even when nothing much happens, which is for most of its 3-hour running time. Read full review

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I am a huge collector of Gay Cinema and when I came across this movie on Netflix and rented it. I fell in love with it immediately. The storyline is tragic and yet uplifting as you see the two souls reunite years later. I highly recommend this movie to anyone who is a fan of tragic love stories and romantic/touching ending whether it be in Gay Cinema or another genre. A Must See!!!!!!!! These two souls are brought together once in Nazi Germany many years before. A tragedy happens to separate them. One is reincarnated many years later and marries and has a daughter. His daughter is engaged to marry a young man and invites her father to partake in the wedding and give her away. The father arrives at their residence and then the story really takes off there as two souls are reunited once again by fate in a different time.

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This is a fine example of independent film making. The director/writer is not bound by convention. Those critical of photography and other technical "flaws" miss the point. A film can be more than a technical achievement. Though Mr. Ameer does handle the technical aspects admirably and creatively considering resources which were clearly meager. I think the essence of independent film making lies more in a director following a vision. The story is daring and reflect a fearlessness in Mr. Ameers' approach. I have spent countless hours watching movies that I've forgotten the next day, but for it's flaws and successes and the conversation it has inspired I would recommend this film to anyone with an interest in film that goes deeper than big budget excitement and gloss.

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This film is like nothing I've seen before. I can understand how most won't like this film. Beside from the obvious budget constraints, I found the film to be very original and stylish. In a day and age where most film are cookie cutter formulas and the same old sh**, this one at least shows some imagination, creativity and originality. I applaud the filmmaker for that and I'm sure as his career takes off, you'll be seen some very original masterpieces. I like the fact that his work conforms nor does it adheres to anyones expectations. Craig Pinkston does a good job. I hope to see more of him and his talent. I specially liked the music. I got the allegorical parts of the story and found them to be lyrical and poetic. Nice dark fairy tale.

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Ramon Estrada

I liked the actors and the cast. I like how the director puts himself out there, specially with his cameo. It was a very refreshing and original story. The dad did a good job. It had a few scenes that could have been omitted, yet the execution was good. I liked the story, actors did a good job in portraying the story. I thought it was controversial because of the references to the Nazi concentration and the reincarnation stuff was pretty out there. But you would definitely recommend because it is a breath of fresh air, an original screenplay, that plays with your mind and causes you to examine and question your existence.

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