The Robber
The Robber
| 29 April 2011 (USA)
The Robber Trailers

A champion marathoner leads a double life as a serial bank robber, sprinting between fixes (and away from police cavalcades) as many as three times a day.


The greatest movie ever made..!

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The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful

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Bessie Smyth

Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.

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what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.

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Johann Rettenberger is released from Austrian prison after serving time for armed robbery. He returns to a life of armed robberies and competitive long distance running. He starts winning the races and gains some fame due to his background. He begins a relationship with social worker Erika who he knows from the past.The lead needs more emotions to be compelling. He's too controlled. His history with Erika needs to be laid out fully from the beginning. It's hard to engage with this guy who is so unengaging. The action could be shot with more thrills. I didn't realize that this is a true story and I don't know if it matters. It could have helped if the movie digs into the lead Johann more.

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Ben Larson

I have always found runners and cyclists to be a strange lot. Why would they devote hours of their time to sweating except to get some kind of a rush similar to drug addicts?This film shows that life clearly, as Johann (Andreas Lust) gets out of prison and, rather than seek a life of fame and glory as a long distance runner and settle down with a woman who loves him, he pursues a life of crime. He is seeking the same or a higher rush that he gets from running.He doesn't quit running, but uses it to aid in stealing. It's never about money, as we never see him spend any. He just stores thousands of Euros under his bed. He even maintains a blank look as Erika (Franziska Weisz) tries to get some emotion out of him. His life is wrapped up in the rush he gets from stealing.Both primary actors gave very good performances in a film that had you on the edge as time ran out for Johann.

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That's the first time I watch an austrian film. And I am amazed by this pretty little thriller inspired by actual events. A flawless masterpiece. The tale of a bank robber released from jail who continues his outlaw activities. A real pro who is also a long time running champ.What an unusual character. The settings, editing, characterization and directing are all perfect. You never lose your attention. The downbeat ending makes me think of THE American. And not only the ending...And there are some sequences that also make you think of POINT BREAK.Don't miss it.

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I went to this on a whim and I'm glad I did. The Robber is a tight and tension filled thriller based on real events of a convicted bank robber who released from prison goes on a new crime spree. The film is in a way quite quiet in that there is little dialogue, but we don't really need too much talk as we get enough visually.Johann is neither a likable person nor is a crazed criminal psychopath which leads the viewer to a unusual predicament in that you start to almost barrack for him. He never hurts anyone, just robs banks and in the interim goes running in marathons. In his face mask and plain clothes, he doesn't even look like he'd hurt a fly. Of course things turn nasty and caught up in the picture is a woman Erika, she, like the audience as events get worse are left with the moral dilemma of choosing an outcome for Johann. Should he get away with it or be caught and serve time? Johann himself never really expresses any real emotion so there is little to understand why he should do what he does, but this adds to the film as it gives the audience more intrigue without throwing in too many questions.Stylishly the film looks great, some beautiful scenery during one of the marathons are great. And then there are the running sequences, Johann runs a lot, to bank robberies, from robberies and then just for the hell of it. Director Benjamin Heisenberg uses some great camera work to follow Johann on these runs and in one sequence when he is chased by a cop car through a car park, the editing is effective enough to create a tense exciting sequence. The films ends with quietly, in some ways rather sadly, but others may find it a little too predictable. However the film is a great piece of work that makes the audience question itself and it's attitude towards others.More reviews at my site

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