The Quiet Room
The Quiet Room
| 21 March 1996 (USA)
The Quiet Room Trailers

A seven-year-old girl adopts a vow of silence in protest when her quarrelsome parents grow increasingly hostile to one another.


Just perfect...

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In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.

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Calum Hutton

It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...

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Asad Almond

A clunky actioner with a handful of cool moments.

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This film is one of my favorite films of all time. Because I loved the way the girl talked in her head, she talked more like a grown person, not a 8 year old. Her humor was dry, but funny. And the way she loved her parents, even with their faults was remarkable. The actress who played the little girl did some of the best acting I have ever seen. She hit my heartstrings. The parents were awesome too, playing out two people on the verge of a divorce. Even the babysitter was good. so all in all the acting was superb.The director really stood out with this movie, being able to make a hard-to-shoot film look easy. My hat is off to him.I recommend this film for a 'Thinker' movie buff.

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It was this movie which really opened my eyes to the possibilities of one movie can bring.This is a masterpiece which really brings up the feelings, I mean that sort of tension without word. The girl simply closes herself off, while she wants to speak, in her heart, but none of her parents understand.I was very touched by this movie this is a very great piece of work by Rolf, a classic, I'm looking forward to see "The old man who read love stories" and more of his work in the future.I'd recommend this movie to absolutely everyone, be warned though you have to be more patience while watching.

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I got "The Quiet Room" on the basis of the cover in the video store. It was a risk and a risk that was absolutely worth taking.There are few films that attempt to understand the thinking of a kid. There are even fewer films that have an actor that can portray it. In this film there are both.There is nothing cutesy here. The girl, a seven year old, has decided not to speak because of the conflict between her parents. That's essentially it. But there is so much in the honesty of the child's monologue that resonates with any person who has been a child trying to understand the irrational world of grownups.This film is brilliant.

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This movie opened my eyes and got me down to a 7 year old's level. Actually I should say up to a 7 year old's level, in this movie the adults seemed more childish than the child!It was great to see life in a not so harmonious household from the child's point of view! So many things I've heard myself say to my own child, the mother in the film said and I swear I will always think before speaking to my kids!It's a very original and thought provoking movie - I recommend it to everyone!

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