The Prince of Egypt
The Prince of Egypt
PG | 18 December 1998 (USA)
The Prince of Egypt Trailers

The strong bond between two brothers is challenged when their chosen responsibilities set them at odds, with extraordinary consequences.

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Blending excellent reporting and strong storytelling, this is a disturbing film truly stranger than fiction

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Billie Morin

This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows

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The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.

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The Prince of Egypt is a 1998 animated musical based on Moses and features a full essembled cast including Value Killer, Sandra Bullock, Ralph Fiennes, Helen Mitten, Steve Martin, Michelle Phieffer and Patrick Stewart and tells the tale of Moses who was abandoned as a baby by his mother and his siblings as she was being hunted down by pharophs whom raise Moses as their own kind. Once Moses gets older he later finds out that his a jewish slave and runs away to try and make sense of his life and to save his people. Will Moses save his people and ask for God help. Overall this film still lies ahead of it's time. The animation is gorgeous, the music is excellent I would go so far to say that it's up there with Disney hunchback of Notre dame as it's so criminally underrated and deserves to be a classic. It's definetly one of my favourite non Disney films of all time. If you haven't seen it do watch it or try and track it down on DVD. A-

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I decided to watch this movie to familiarize myself with one of the greatest stories in western culture. After some 90 minutes I have to ask, what did I just watch? This was morally so disturbing that it made me feel sick. Listening "There can be miracles/When You Believe" didn't feel quite right after seeing God killing city full of Egyptian families and children just cause their race. There were plenty of scenes where I found it easier to identify myself with the antagonist, which is always a good sign...

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Jesper Brun

This is easily one of my favorite American non-Disney movies, and by far the best Dreamworks movie along with How to Train Your Dragon 1 & 2. Everything is good in this movie. The animation is nicely drawn with the right amount of brightness and darkness at the right times. The story is moving and well told. The voices of Ralph Fiennes (Ramses) and Val Kilmer (Moses) are superb! Especially Fiennes. While not being in the movie, I also liked Patrick Stewart as Seti.But without a doubt! Hans Zimmer's musical score is amazing and haunting right from the start. "Deliver Us" is still my favorite along with "Through Heaven's Eyes". "When You believe" is also a beautiful song, but not a personal favorite. The scene in which Moses leads his people through the red sea is still one of the most epic scenes in any animated movie! I get blown away every time I see it. Honestly, I am a little shocked about the low user rating compared to Shrek, which I think is overrated. Go watch The Prince of Egypt and experience some truly amazing and timeless movie magic!

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Apparently the Netflix version of this is based off of scans of the 35mm film rather than an actual digital master. Despite that, this movie still holds up visually. I think it looks spectacular and you can appreciate how much effort was put into making it.The voice cast is fine, although I somewhat question the decision to have Val Kilmer as Moses. There's something a little goofy about his brother being voiced by Ralph Fiennes that I couldn't get behind. I think him being British and much more noble sounding and then Val Kilmer just sounding like himself. I will say this movie is guilty of not really getting performances out of excellent actors. The majority of them just sound like themselves and aren't really doing much beyond saying their lines. And the songs need to be mentioned as well. Most of them are fun and have a very Disney-vibe. I believe Ralph Fiennes sings his parts but for some reason Val Kilmer is dubbed by someone with a bland but I guess more traditional singing voice. Because obviously he can sing as he has shown in previous movies such as 'Top Secret' and 'The Doors'.As far as the story goes, I guess it mostly follows the biblical one. I haven't read the bible and I'm not familiar with much of this besides the burning bush and parting the sea. It plays out okay but doesn't really surprise or lean into the brother rivalry in a sophisticated way.This movie is completely worth seeing just for the visuals alone. An absolute shame that it has not been given a proper Blu-ray release. But the Netflix version is decent and doesn't rob you of too much of what it probably looked like in the theatre.

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