The Piano
The Piano
| 17 June 2007 (USA)
The Piano Trailers

An old man relays his life story to his grandson through a moving piece of music.


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Neive Bellamy

Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.

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Kaydan Christian

A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.

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Haven Kaycee

It is encouraging that the film ends so strongly.Otherwise, it wouldn't have been a particularly memorable film

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Larisa Pascutoi

The Piano, composed by Aidan Gibbons, is unlike any other silent film, featuring an old man playing the piano while remembering his past memories and sad events from his old times. Despite the sadness, the one thing that stood out for me was the synchronization between the music and the feelings of the man, as it helps you understand his emotions better. In this film, the old man, probably in his eighties, plays the piano alone in an old, dark room, until the ghost of his wife suddenly appears, playing the piano with him. She then kisses him, and mysteriously fades away. He then appears as a medic, and tries to help a dying man, supposedly his brother, but fails. Suddenly a boy appears, riding a hobby horse, but when he reaches the elderly man, he stops, and plays the very last, deep note of the song. I liked the animation skills, particularly the boy changing clothes, and the touching story line. I only disliked the fact that it was so short- it was only 2 and a half minutes. Reviewed by Riyan, Year 4The Piano is about an old man playing the piano while recalling his memories. The movie really stands out because of the fabulous way they've done a few close-ups.In this film we are introduced by an old man playing the wonderful piano all by himself until an elderly ghostly woman appears and sits right next to him and gently taps the key of the piano. It turns to be out the elderly man's wife. As soon as she gives a kiss to the man, she fades away. The story carries on and the war comes up when his brother or best friend dies. Abruptly, his mind travels instantly to his childhood when he received a hobbyhorse which he passes it on to his grandson. At last the memory faded away and became reality when the grandson played the last note and looked with love at the elderly man.I personally think Aidan Gibbons should have made the film a bit longer. I recommend this film to fifty and over.Reviewed by Paheli, Year 4The Piano is an animated silent film. It was first released in 2007. This silent film may be short, but is meaningful and symbolic. It is based on music, memories and emotions.The Piano awakens a broad range of different feelings inside you and is a great example of how music connects with the mind, body and soul; from caring for the injured during World War Two to playing with a hobby horse during the short period of childhood. The piano is played throughout the film, as it is the only instrument suitable for these somber scenarios. It is as though the film has been split into three chapters. Part one is where, the main character, an old man, remembers his late wife who had perished away many years ago. On screen, as her ghostly complexion fades away, a new 'chapter' begins. The old man visualizes himself as a Red Cross medic during World War Two, in the pursuit of saving his so called brother. Lastly, the old man recalls himself receiving a hobby horse as a child, and passing it down to his grandson. Then all comes to the present. This silent film comprises lighting, color, music, action and many detailed camera shots. Close-up shots are used to put an emphasis on important objects and to stress their importance. Long shots are used to give viewers a gist of the landscape and setting. The color and lighting changes depending on the mood of the scene and the light is directed to show small features. When all these elements are combined,they create a movie. I really enjoyed watching this film as it has a powerful meaning and despite their being no dialogue, the message still gets across using symbols and colors. The Piano is a brilliant film as it can be understood by all even by people with disabilities. Silent movies were the first type of recorded film ever created, first invented by Charlie Chaplin in 1891. Reviewed by Aniyora, Year 4The film had been released as a silent film in 2007 and it presents the story of a man recalling memories of his life. He remembers how his wife died in war. He also remembers how his friend or brother died in war as well. His thoughts go deeper and deeper until he visualizes himself, as a young boy with his hobby horse. He passes it to his grandson who finishes the song for him at the end.My favorite part of the film is when the man opened the box because it made me feel curious; what would be inside? I disliked when the boy changed clothes, as it was rather confusing and unclear. I was impressed by how Gibbons managed to show a lot in such a small time. I would recommend this film to older children as they would understand about the war and be more experienced.Reviewed by Nandini, Year 4This film presents an old man who is playing the piano while recalling his past through music. Compared to other silent films, this shows everything clearly even without any speaking. I like the way the music changes in accordance with the man's feelings and memories. I also like the animation of the film. My favorite scene was when the lady came and started playing on the piano and kissed the old man. I do believe that there is something genuinely beautiful about this film. Reviewed by Diya, Year 4

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