The Oily Maniac
The Oily Maniac
| 18 September 1976 (USA)
The Oily Maniac Trailers

A cripple takes revenge on criminals by using a magic spell that transforms him into an oily monster/superhero.


Highly Overrated But Still Good

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A story that's too fascinating to pass by...

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Neive Bellamy

Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.

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Janae Milner

Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.

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Certainly better than the most known toxic advenger, but not a real cult movie.

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After casting a magic spell and covering himself from head to foot in oil, cripple Shen Yuan (Danny Lee) transforms into an oozing monster to seek revenge on those who have wronged his family.I'd been sitting on director Meng Hua Ho's The Oily Maniac for quite some time, waiting for the right moment for some seriously silly and ridiculously outrageous Shaw Brothers exploitation. I think I got my expectations up a little too high. While the film does deliver a memorably daft 'man in a rubber suit' monster, AND plenty of gratuitous female nudity (nearly all of the women get their jubblies out), it fails to completely live up to its wonderfully wacky premise and promising title, the creature not nearly maniacal enough. Where I had hoped that the man turned walking oil slick would kill countless bad guys in an OTT gory fashion, he merely swats most of his adversaries to the ground. Only one victim goes out in style, his head crushed by the oily maniac, but it's all too brief.While I can't be too harsh when rating a film that gets the lovely Ping Chen (as Shen Yuan's love interest, Little Yue) to strip off more than once, or that features so many loud shirts (every bad guy wears one), I can only bring myself to rate this cheeze-fest a middling 5/10. The Mighty Peking Man, which also stars Danny Lee, is a much more satisfying slice of Asian trash from the same director.

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I saw this Meng Hua Ho's film "Oily Maniac" (You gui zi, 1976) few days ago then and I loved it. It is a terrible film but it's so bad that it's good.The main character is a gribble named Shen Yuan (Danny Lee) who works for a slimy prosecutor. Job is terrible and relationship with the girl he's loved since childhood is not working. Then one day Shen's friend accidentally stabs a man to death and is sentenced to be executed in half an hour (talk about a legal system!). As his last wish the man asks Shen to copy a tattoo from his back that is supposed to be a spell that Shen's father, who was a shaman, put there (why he did so, is never revealed). Later on as Shen curses how bad his life is he remembers the spell. As a part of the spell you must dig a hole in the middle of your house. Good thing Shen doesn't live in a storehouse or any decent looking house either, so the digging is pretty easy. When the spell is completed Shen turns into Oily Maniac, a super powerful monster. After done the spell the first time Shen can turn to Oily Maniac by washing himself with oil. Shen decides to use his powers to kill all the bad people in the world (or in the neighborhood area at least).The monster in this film, Oily Maniac, is one of the most cheapest and ridiculous looking film monsters ever: dressed in black overalls and with yellow eyes. His movements sometimes are so slow and clumsy that he resembles a turtle on his back (which makes other actors panicked reactions all the more hilarious). Oily Maniac also only has one roar that then is repeated over and over again. He can also turn to a puddle of oil that can move under doors (some of the worst special effects I have ever seen!) and when he moves he is accompanied by a rip-off music from "Jaws". This film is just about as bad as it can be, but if you watch it with humor then you'll be rewarded with great laughs. The illogical plot alone would make me smile any day, but when the film is also added with bad special effects, self-ironic acting and a decent amount of nudity (I imagine the film is mainly directed for guys) the result was truly enjoyable. Not to mention that not all of the humor in the film was accidental: the court room scene was obviously meant for laughs and works perfectly.Want to see a film so bad you won't believe it? Want to have great laughs at the expense of cheap movie? Want to see a clumsy monster killing a rapist and then decently covering the unconscious victim's breasts? If so then "Oily Maniac" is your film!!!

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I watched this bad boy last night and I simply loved it!If you are looking for usual Shaw Brothers' martial arts extravaganza you better to skip this one. There's only couple fighting scenes and they ain't nothing special. Oil Monster likes more to stomp, pound and strangle peoples to death than bust some kick-ass kung fu moves.But if you are B-movie fanatic like me and you like flicks with monsters in the bad costumes, you will love this movie too! Story is based on the old Chinese folk tale.. Crippled man learns magic spell from his uncle who is sentenced to be executed The spell turns him into a Oil Monster and it's payback time! Monster starts to kill bad guys like there's no tomorrow..excellent!'You gui zi a.k.a Oily Maniac' ain't horror, I would categorize it as a cheesy superhero tragedy. Yeah, that's right..Monster itself is like when Superman meets Mr. Hyde and Swamp Thing. This Chinese Toxic Avenger is really cheap looking in bad costume with shining yellow eyes and heart stuck to the chest. Special effects are hilariously poor, especially when Oil Monster turns pool of oil and starts to move around.'Oily Maniac' has lots of nudity and lots of sexual violence. Every Female character shows their boobs, except Lily Li. Don't show this film to your feminist girlfriend because there's plenty of rape scenes that she couldn't handle.This movie could be more entertaining with more gore. There's couple of smashed skulls, but nothing more. This might be filmed at same time with Black Magic (by same director Meng Hua Ho), as many of the locations looks pretty similar. The plot is entertaining and acting isn't bad, actually pretty decent. Danny Lee shines in this as usually.In overall, if you want to see piece of Chinese b-movie cult cinema you need to check this one out.I also recommend Meng Hua Ho's King Kong -rip off 'The Mighty Peking Man'.I give 'You Gui Zi' a.k.a 'The Oily Maniac' 7 1/2 oil-stained corpses out of 10

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