The Land That Time Forgot
The Land That Time Forgot
| 28 July 2009 (USA)
The Land That Time Forgot Trailers

Shipwrecked castaways stumble upon the mysterious island of Caprona in the Bermuda Triangle, confronting man-eating dinosaurs and a stranded German U-Boat crew while trying to escape.


Clever and entertaining enough to recommend even to members of the 1%

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While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.

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Aneesa Wardle

The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.

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Haven Kaycee

It is encouraging that the film ends so strongly.Otherwise, it wouldn't have been a particularly memorable film

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The land that time forgot is appalling, with horrible CGI dinosaurs and just the disgusting acting (and actors) with; awkward laughing, bad moving like going to ones side of the screen and then going to the corner.This film defiantly doesn't follow the size of the "beast" (T-rex) going from the size of a sky scraper to the size of a person, they nod to there being a Plesiaur (or other sea dwelling lizard) but they never implement it, and one thing about the "petrol" just randomly being found and the Germans just randomly having a petrol station, and the Germans just start trying to leave when they come (seeing as they were there for 3 YEARS!) and the beast just randomly coming in at the perfect times, and to give the credit The Asylum really commonly make ripe off including; (there first) the Bulk, the fairy tale avengers, 1 2 3 and 4 (reminder these were all only accepted to be shown at 1 film festival in Sweden)

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The 1975 version of Edgar Rice Burroughs' "The Land that Time Forgot" with Doug McClure featured lame puppet-type dinosaurs, but made up for it with well-developed characters and a huge subtext, which was surprising for such a seemingly simple story.This made-for-TV 2009 version changes everything and I'm sort of glad because we already have the original that followed Burroughs' book pretty faithfully. The only similarity between this version and Burroughs' story is that there's an uncharted island, castaways, Germans, a U-boat and dinosaurs. That's it. This version features some sort of dimensional gateway where modern people and others from the last century meet on Caprona, the island. They try to figure out how to escape, how to get along and how to contend with dinosaurs, mostly a T-rex. Speaking of which, the T-rex doesn't look too bad for this type of micro-budget sci-fi, just don't expect "Jurassic Park" quality (although the story's arguably better and this version definitely has better women).C. Thomas Howell directed the film and is also a member of the likable cast. I appreciate the camaraderie that develops between the Americans and the Germans. Speaking of which, the WWI Germans are pretty convincing.As far as women go, Lindsey McKeon is the highlight as a shapely brunette, but there's also a good-looking blond (Anya Benton).FINAL WORD: Although it doesn't follow Burroughs' book at all, this 2009 TV version of "The Land that Time Forgot" is a worthwhile lost-on-a-deserted-island flick in the tradition of "Mysterious Island" and others, like "Planet of the Dinosaurs". If you enjoy movies of this ilk, you'll probably appreciate this one.The film runs 90 minutes and was shot in Griffith Park, Los Angeles, Long Beach and Malibu, CA.GRADE: B-

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I have seen worse from Syfy/The Asylum, but really is it saying much? This is a very poor film, both as an adaptation and on its own merits. I haven't seen the 1975 film in some time, but I do remember it being much better than this.The whole movie looks shoddy, the scenery looks tacky, the editing is sloppy and the whole picture quality has a rather grainy feel to it. The effects are not as bad as other Syfy movies, but they are still pretty cheap-looking.That leads me to a big problem I had with the film. I did like seeing the dinosaurs, despite not being impressed entirely by how they looked, but not only are they underused there are not enough of them. And because there are little or no thrills and suspense, despite them meaning to be a pivotal part of the story, you had the impression they were just there with no reason to be.Pacing is another issue, again because of the lack of build ups, suspense and thrills and because of the sluggish pace and some pointless and overlong expositions, the whole film feels like a dull affair.Add to that bad direction, a good idea of a story explored very badly, poorly written characterisation and cheesy scripting and you have an even duller affair. I forgot the acting, which was really poor, including a visibly embarrassed Timothy Bottoms.Overall, not Syfy's worst but still a mess. 2/10 Bethany Cox

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After watching this movie, I had to critique it, because thats what I like to do. The screenwriter could have built in some more character development, up dating it more than the book and previous movie attempt. Some of the dialog seemed written by elementary school kids. Nevermind that last comment, elementary school children could have been more creative. The acting was as believable as a high school play. Scratch that too! My sons acting was better in his 5th grade play. Now the biggie...the CGI was equal to the effects of the 1974 version of this move. With that said, why couldn't it have been better? Remake the movie with Jason Statham as Frost, Brad Pitt as Cole Stevens and Megan Fox as Lindsey Stevens. Get the people who did Jurassic Park to do the CGI and the producer, screen writer and director from Transformers. That might be a good example of improvements, but don't let that Avitar guy get his hands on it will be over-rated and almost as lousy.

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