The Kate Logan Affair
The Kate Logan Affair
| 15 October 2010 (USA)
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A young psychologically unstable young police woman named Kate Logan and a married Frenchman find themselves caught up in a dramatic twisted affair.

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Waste of time

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I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible

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The movie's only flaw is also a virtue: It's jammed with characters, stories, warmth and laughs.

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The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful

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I'm not sure where to start with this because I'm not totally sure what was wrong with the movie, short of everything. Alexis Bledel was oh so wrongly cast and from this role is limited in what role she can play. I was hoping she'd be Ana in '50 Shades ...' Now I'm glad she wasn't cast. She doesn't appear to have the range to play that role. I'm also not sure about the writing. It seemed more than a little awkward at times and there were no times it seemed at it's best ... if there was a 'best' to be attained. Scenes were put in that seemed meaningless to the overall story, such as the Frenchman pulling his car to the side of the road to take a picture. I sure didn't get the need for that one, and then there was the stop at the gas station where he's slumped down in the car hiding and when she get's out to get gas at a convenient store he asks for a drink, but in the end she's the one drinking a strawberry milk and he's chewing on something. Was there a director even there? So, all in all I'd have to say her acting was really lacking, the story wasn't well written and overall it was poorly directed leaving nothing left other than my being forced to give it a 1 for (awful)which is really too bad.

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This movie like a great many movies had some holes in it. Like why was a new young cop driving around without a partner? Did she not have to make an arrest report even though the arrest was short-lived? The events seemed realistic for the most part, however. except maybe for the man choosing to escape out of the motel window with this obviously psycho girl-cop. And also that no one in the police department picked up on the fact that this girl-cop had some psychological issues. The end was not satisfying, although, perhaps, quite possible. What this movie cries out for is a sequel. One in which the wife realizes that the actions that were described of her husband were too far afield. She wants to be sure she knows the truth and therefore she hires a private investigator. Someone not unlike Patrick Jane from "The Mentalist".

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I'm a big fan of Alexis since Gilmore Girls. I watch all her movies.This something less entertaining. The story begins well. The characters are there, the setting. One, a small town cop, played Alexis, and one french visitor/tourist, played by Laurent. But the writer didn't know what to do with them.How they come together, why all the things happen, it feels forced, it feels way to convenient to be believable. Its OK to have one bad judgment as a character. Maybe two. Even three. But a chain of bad judgments, not out of emotion or situation, but just why there is no other way to advance the story? People should react as people, not as cutout characters following a script. How everything goes down and the final "words", its way to contrived. In no way this would happen like that. Especially foreigners wouldn't go down this route by any measurement.The characters are played OK. I have wished Alexis would do something else than this. Just for her I give an extra point for trying. If you are a true fan and need to watch all her works, wait for this when it comes in the early morning repeat on public TV.

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As a Canadian, I am once again embarrassed that this nation could have the utter stupidity to make such a horrendous film. From the opening scene it seems to be going somewhere - a young female police officer mistakes a middle-aged French business man for a rapist. Then the plot starts to disintegrate. This young, attractive officer who would probably be more convincing as mini-mouse at Disney World, tracks the man down to "apologize," ask him out on a date despite his being married and return again late at night to drink leading to an inevitable affair. There is a sequence of downright silly events that culminate in the turning point of the movie - he accidentally fires her service revolver in his hotel which is heard by the denizens of the neighbouring room who call the police. They have but a few minutes to get out of there. She insists they escape even though it's absolutely stupid - the bullet is irretrievably stuck in the wall and matches her gun and the room is under his passport. She convinces him to escape or she'll tell his wife about the affair - so they do, against all his instinct, culminating in her killing him in another hotel room to cover this up and keep her job. She is then able to convince fellow officers she was abducted by him and acted in self-defence. The turning point scene is remarkably unbelievable the way it transpires and lacks any semblance of logic. The French man was right - he had no reason to run. There was a ton of other ways to cover it up. How would his wife in France ever find out about an affair? Perhaps the most foolish aspect of the film was the main female officer's shift in character from timid obsequious loser (who's somehow a cop) to cold murderer. They threw in a quick scene of her throwing her alcoholic father out of her house (she told the French man that her father was dead) as if to shed some light on the dark nature of her character. Really? I mean seriously? The "twist" is also extremely predictable - once they flee he is entirely at her mercy. It should not be conceivable that she kills him based on events so far, but by this point the viewer will realize it's a bad film and a murder-cover-up will be used to solve the dilemma. It is an utterly unconvincing disappointing flop of a spectacle. Not to mention the pitiful acting throughout. Quick aside - this is why Canadian films suck - who makes a movie about murder and police where the turning point is accidentally firing a gun at a wall? It pains me to say it - how "Canadian" a story. Do not see this movie. Do not continue to believe that movie titles ending in "affair" usually have intelligent levels of intrigue. Do not waste your time. Canadians - do write your member of parliament to have this director incarcerated.

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