The Incredible 2-Headed Transplant
The Incredible 2-Headed Transplant
R | 28 April 1971 (USA)
The Incredible 2-Headed Transplant Trailers

Dr. Roger Girard is a rich scientist conducting experiments on head transplantation. His caretaker has a son, Danny, who, although fully grown, has the mind of child. One day an escaped psycho-killer invades Girard's home, killing Danny's father before being gunned down himself. With the maniac dying and Danny deeply unsettled by his father's death, Dr. Girard decides to take the final step and transplant the killer's head onto Danny's body.


A Major Disappointment

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Sameer Callahan

It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.

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Kirandeep Yoder

The joyful confection is coated in a sparkly gloss, bright enough to gleam from the darkest, most cynical corners.

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The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.

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Obviously this is a bad movie. But what else did you expect from a movie with a title such as this one has. I'll admit, this movie its title is the only reason why I really wanted to see it and no, I also certainly don't regret I did. Yes, it's still being a bad movie but it's just one of those movies that is fun to watch, regardless of how bad things get in this movie.The movie does work out as fun because of its insane and silly concept. Main concept of the movie is a scientist experimenting on putting two heads on one body. But I seriously still don't understand with what purpose the professor was executing his experiments. As far as I understood it, it all had something to do with successfully transplanting limbs from one body onto another but this all doesn't explain why our dear professor and his disabled assistant are experimenting with putting extra heads onto animals bodies. But needless to say that this is simply one of those movies you really shouldn't think too much about, while watching it.I was really interest to see how they had done the two heads effect on one human body in this movie. The answer is; poorly. It's quite laughable actually. For certain shots they used an obvious (very) fake puppet head, that never gets shown from the front and for its close-ups it's basically the one guy standing very close behind the other guys back, to create the illusion of two heads on one body. This should pretty much sum up how this entire movie is being like. Silly, cheap, poorly done and just overall bad but you still can't help being amused by it all.No, it's not really a story with much good story and that also is really foremost its downfall. This movie could had still been a much better and more entertaining one if more was happening in it. Now the 'monster's rampage doesn't happen until far into the movie. It's all such a big waste and shame. Surely they could had come up with some more original and entertaining stuff than what they show in the eventual movie. They waste too much time with this movie by setting up its shallow characters and shaky plot, that is being filled with holes and inconsistencies.I also just love it how mentally challenged persons why behave like little kids in movies always wear dungarees. In this movie that isn't any different and he's constantly wearing the same sweater as well in this movie to complete things. I also just love how insane and over-the-top the smirking murderer is in this movie. Those two are the persons who get attached to one and the same body in this movie, so prepare yourself for lots of insane madness.The movie foremost sounds like a crazy B-monster movie from the '50's and for most part the movie is also really being that way but it it's actually an '70's movie, so it's still has lots of hints of the exploitation genre in it as well. The movie is not that bloody or gory but it still features plenty of killings and also some nudity. The camera-work and especially its editing are being quite experimental at times, which also makes it all the more apparent that you're watching an '70's movie here.Funny that somehow Bruce Dern ended up being in this mess, that foremost is still being a silly/bad fun one to watch.4/10

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Considering that this is a film about a mad scientist who grafts heads onto bodies to make two-headed creatures AND it's made by American-International Pictures, you certainly cannot expect the film to be much more than it is. This was cheapo drive-in movie fare and nothing more. As a result, Bruce Dern, Casey Kasem and Pat Priest (one of the Marilyns from "The Munsters") were doomed to make a film that did nothing to further their careers.The film starts with Dern and his weird assistant in the lab creating multi-headed foxes, rabbits and the like. At the same time, a depraved maniac who makes Ted Bundy seem normal is shown on a killing spree that gets him placed placed in the loony bin. Naturally these stories soon converge after the nut escapes, as the maniac attacks Priest and is shot in the process. Since he is STILL barely alive, Dern does what any scientist would do--he saws off the guy's head and stitches it onto a retarded housekeeper's body!! Now, the new and improved(?) guy consists of a slow-minded guy who does everything the evil guy wants--and that involves lots of brutal killings by 1971 standards. Eventually, there is a showdown and Dern and his abomination meet their maker--no real surprises here.Overall, the acting isn't too bad, but perhaps the maniac was too crazed to be real. I used to work in a mental institution and never saw anyone THAT crazy!! As for the script, writing, direction and acting, it's all pretty sub-par. Probably the worst of these was poor Pat Priest, who spent the movie either being attacked, tied up, screaming or fainting--a truly one-dimensional and thankless role. Not a good movie but silly enough that bad movie fans might like it. As for everyone else, don't bother.

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The Incredible 2-Headed Transplant (1971) ** 1/2 (out of 4) Roger (Bruce Dern) is a doctor doing experiments on animals. He is putting two heads on a single body and he finally gets his chance to do it with humans when a large but mentally challenged man becomes available as a subject but he puts the head of a killer on him and soon the monster is running loose.THE INCREDIBLE 2-HEADED TRANSPLANT was the type of film that AIP was turning out to drive-ins back in the day when this type of exploitation was grand. As with a lot of drive-in films, the most important thing was a great title and there's no question that this film has that. With that said, there really isn't too much exploitation here and it's a tad bit too dry for its own good.Apparently the mad scientist role was originally meant for someone like Vincent Price but the role went to Dern instead. Dern is certainly a very good actor and he gives a good performance here but he plays it so serious and straight that it just doesn't added enough entertainment value for the type of film it is. The performance was more for a serious medical drama than a drive-in "B" picture. Casey Kasem was fun to see in his role and we also got Gary Kent, Pat Priest and Albert Cole.The film is certainly mildly entertaining and the two-headed monster has an interesting look to it. The film is worth watching but at the same time there's no question that it falls well short of being a good movie. It also got outdone by the following year's THE THING WITH TWO HEADS.

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I actually saw this movie by accident. I thought it was the cult movie THE THING WITH TWO HEADS in which a white bigot gets his head attached to a black mans body and the proceed to dis and beat the hell out of eachother...while attached. Sadly INCREDIBLE 2-HEADED TRANSPLANT is nowhere near as entertaining...even on a so-bad-it good level. its just bad. very very bad. this movie was made in 1971, but it seems like it was made much earlier than that when you consider that A CLOCKWORK ORANGE was also made in 1971 and thats light years better than this piece o' crap. This movie stars Bruce Dern as a deranged scientist, Marilyn Munster (ha ha) as his wife and Casey kasem as his worried friend. This cast screams "CULT CLASSIC", but sadly it never pans out. Huge dumb farm boy Danny gets the head of an escaped mental patient gradted onto his huge lumbering body. of course the body wants to murder...and all Dannys head can do is shake "no" and look worried. The psycho head is a truly loathsome wish danny would somehow commit suicide killin them both. i wouldnt recommend this movie to ANYONE. Not even if Mystery Science Theatre has a version.Theres no saving this repellant junk-fest. No stars.

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