The Happy Poet
The Happy Poet
| 17 September 2010 (USA)
The Happy Poet Trailers

When Bill, the title character, secures a very small loan to start his dream business--a health food stand--his struggles as an idealistic micro-business owner begin.


An Exercise In Nonsense

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The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.

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Rio Hayward

All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.

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Ava-Grace Willis

Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.

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This movie is hilarious. I like how the tension is amplified with just a few notes on the piano, like in Eyes Wide Shut. I got the movie because of the title and the picture on the cover. I think it was filmed in Houston. It didn't disappoint even though I never heard of the director or the actors. I'm not an indie fan because movie critics have steered me wrong. The main character is played by the director who, as the main character, says that he would like to get a loan so that he can open up a hot dog stand and sell healthy food instead of hot dogs. The food looks delicious. He has a masters degree in creative writing so someone suggests that he could call his stand The Happy Poet to block out the huge picture of a hot dog. Some of the scenes are with real people and not actors which lends to the realism of the script. There is a liking in how the poet has an open trust in people but is used by them for their own self gain. The ending kind of ticked me off because there is no humor in corporations or conglomerates. A second viewing is helpful because of the irony, especially when he reads one of his poems.

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This is one of those little films that makes life bearable, like; Austin,TX, Lake Travis afternoons and a cold beer on a Summer day.The premise of the film is straight forward with the story as old as any Greek morality play-- the central characters are "people you know" in your personal life, staged in a familiar setting(any street America)these are the reasons the film works.The script, character development and direction could use some tweaking; the audience gets to "know" the characters but because there is so little back story on them it is hard to develop much empathy which is frustrating.The direction could be tighter but I can understand why and where the director *may* have made the decision not to corral his actor's movements or why much thought was given to "blocking".On the other paw..the film entertains, informs and its resolution climaxes well. Go see it-rent it now.

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Terrific charming indie about a soft spoken but idealistic poet who wants to live green and start a healthy food cart business. I'm surprised this didn't have more press or reviews, but I was drawn to the title and the premise as a fan of indie flicks, a poet, almost vegetarian and dreamer who doesn't want to be, as the main character said, like "most people that hate their jobs". The tension is present from the opening scene: Will he be able to sustain his passion amidst hot dog eaters, doubters, debt, and unscrupulous employees? Director Paul Gordon is mesmerizing as his relatable protagonist Bill nods, mutters, and wraps eggless egg salad sandwiches his way through the business and dating world, earning sympathy and causing the viewer to root for him to find his voice, not just clear his throat. Johnny Mars stands out as the supportive but fallible sidekick who markets creatively, and Chris Doubek is convincing as Curtis, the random moocher whom offers just the right amount of encouragement for Bill to tolerate him and ends up being a guardian angel. Bill's romantic connection to a patient but frustrated Agnes, played well by Liz Fisher, seems just as promising but tenuous as his chances for success. Ultimately, the movie's message is uplifting and falls somewhere in the delicate balance of standing up for yourself and standing up for your dreams, which are not always in sync. As Curis in the movie said, ..."Just because you aren't writing doesn't mean you're not a you live your life is a work of art. This food is your art." Overall, a unique and enjoyable film with heart warming and laugh out loud moments. Highly recommended.

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As a person who eats healthy vegetarian foods, I was immediately drawn into the story about a below-average guy who sells vegetarian foods from a hot dog cart in a park. The humor in this movie isn't always obvious because of Paul Gordon's deadpan acting, which is top notch and sometimes infuriating because you want to reach into the television and shake the talking rock that he is. Don't get me started on his lack of skills when it comes to talking to the opposite sex.The script complemented Gordon's acting because of the excessive use of "cool", "yeah", and a few "uh's". Honestly, the writer must've consulted a slacker dictionary to create the dialog. But that's not a negative at all. It worked in this film and added to its charm.As an aside, that "Eggless Egg Sandwich" looked really good.

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